Chapter Eight

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I'm going to be totally honest. I was a little excited when I knew what happened. I was scared, sure. But dude. I knew what Asmodeus does, and IT'S FUCKING AWESOME! I can STEAL MAGIC! DO YOU REALIZE HOW COOL THAT IS?! Also, I liked that I had power of Lex. Yeah, I was going to give it back. I felt dirty with their magic. It felt wrong. I didn't want part of them to be part of me. But I was in charge. Not them. I had the upperhand. The advantage. They weren't the one in control of the situation. I was. And it felt great.

"Okay. Okay we can figure this out." I said, and paced. Lex and Owen were leaning against the brick wall. Owen was trying to make sure Lex didn't, you know, kill me, and also attempting to figure out the situation. Lex was trying to kill me, obviously and making sure that they weren't flipping out. (That was a fail. But I would be flipping out, so no judging. It was just a little scary to see this.) Which was fair. I, was attempting to figure out how the fuck I could get their magic out.

"Yeah, we kind of have to Felix." Owen said, and rolled his eyes. Fuck Owen. But he was right. I needed to fix this, as fast as I could.

"We have to go to class." Lex said, rolling onto the ground and groaning. A bell rang in the distance, and kids started yelling and stampeding into their buildings. "I need my magic back though. We're staying here until you give it the fuck back." Panic shot through me.

"I have to go to class." I got up, and stiffened. "Sorry, but I can't stay. We can meet up later, alright?"

"Uh, no. No. No no no. I've seen you skip so much school, there is no fucking way that I'm letting you get away with this." Lex said, and attempted to get up. Owen stepped away to the side. Probably letting this play out. I don't know.

"Yeah, well I really have to get to class now. So, if you could please let me go, I need to evacuate the premise of this situation." I replied.

"Felix, don't you dare fucking walk out on this. You can't run away when you feel like it. You're in the real world now," They said and started to bob their head in the most condesending way possible. "so you can't do whatever you want. Grow up, please."

And even if they were being an asshole and not trying to plan our way out, Lex made Asmodeus stir up inside of me a little bit. I knew it was Asmodeus, yes, but it felt different. For starters, it was hot. Really really hot. And it was in my hands.

"Lex, I understand how you feel. But if you could kindly shut the fuck up and let me go-" I said, trying to shove pass them, but instead they pushed me back.

"Not. This. Time." They laughed, and they're sour breath misting into my face. And that is what set me off. My fist curled up, and I felt something wish onto them, starting with my palm, and moving up to my finger tips until my entire hand was covered. It didn't fell like anything, really. Kind of like when you stick your hand out the window of the car and it feels like whoosh.

"Fuck." Owen whispered, and stared at my hands. Lex's mouth hung open, finaly at a loss for words.

"What-" I asked, but then realised how stupid that question was. Warmth was slowly seeping into my hand. Not unbearably hot, but still hot. Comfortable. The fire was pretty. The blue was like an aura around my skin, and the flames licked off my fingers. It was weird. Cool, but felt a little wrong. Actually, more that I thought about it, I hated it. It felt wrong. So fucking wrong.

"YOU LITTLE PEICE OF SHIT! GIVE IT THE FUCK BACK!" Lex asked, and tackled me to the ground. My head hit the pavement, and for a second everything went dark. But the I shoved my hands into their stomach, and Lex let out such an inhumane yowl, it made me feel bad for them. But only enough that I decided to let go once they wrenched themselves off my body and started shaking so badly I thought they were dying. And then they started crying. I've never seen them cry before. It was scary.

"I-I lost my powers. I lost my fucking powers. My magic's fucking gone." They said, with such a human voice, all of my anger and hatred evaportated. I didn't have to not like Lex. They were just a Let or a human or whatever. They were just like me.

"It's okay." Owen said, sliding down next to them. "It is litterally all okay. We will find out how to fix this. I promise you. And Felix promises you too."

"Lex....." I said, and walked towards them slowly. "I'm going to try something. Do you trust me?" I wanted to seem gentle. Lex was in a scary, vunerable state. And that itself was very scary.

"No." They said, and started to start shaking even more. "No, no don't touch me. Don't touch me ever again." They pulled their body away from me, and closer to Owen.

"Lex, buddy, you gotta trust Felix on this. They have your magic." Owen said to Lex. To me, he just stared at me, and tried to instruct me carefully.

"Felix. Do not touch them until your hands go out. They don't have fire proof magic anymore. This is basic stuff, Felix. Get your brain into this." Oh. Yeah. The flames on my hands were still sputtering out, but enough to hurt someone if I grabbed them.

"I don't know how I can turn it off. Or if I can." I said.

"Try. This is important." Yeah, like I didn't fucking know that. But I tried. Like I was pulling the flames back inside of me, and putting them into the for of Asmodeus, which was....much more difficult than it sounded. But I tried anyway.

"Good. Good job Felix." Owen said, and I let out a small sigh. God, it felt good to be praised by your crush.

"Okay, this part looks kinda creepy. I'm really not sure if you've ever seen this before. I don't know. But yeah. Asmodeus is kinda slow." I said, carefully, so I didn't scare Asmodeus off.

"K." Owen said, and then lifted up a few bits of clothes off Lex. "Ooh, those burns look really bad. I gotta take you to a healer later."

"I got it." I said, and Asmodues spilled out like mouth like mist. It seemed to prefer mist form when it used magic. I see. Or I don't see. I don't fucking now.

"I got it." I said, and Asmodues spilled out like mouth like mist. I guess when it got tired it turned into mist. I don't fucking know. "Just lemme try to....fix this." Though it wasn't visible on my hands, it still felt like I was on fire. The feeling of woosh was still there. Lingering.

"Asmodeus, listen to me. This isn't fucking funny anymore. Please. We're not in survival mode. We're not back there, and we're not helpless. Just give it all back. It's not worth it." I whispered. Asmodeus hesitated.

"Alright." A gravely voice whispered in my brain. I didn't flinch, which was surprising. But I had kinda gotten used to weird unknown voices saying stuff in my brain. It carefully floated back over to Lex, and sunk into their arm. Lex was still shaking. And badly. They sucked in their breath when Asmodeus blended into their pale skin.

"You feeling okay, buddy?" Owen asked Lex. I stood up, and backed away over to a brick wall. I wanted to walk through it, like Taylor could. Or at least change my shape. I was done with this shit. A few minutes ago, my biggest concern was that Lex was going to beat me up. So cool. Fuck all of this.

"Yep." Lex said, and studied their arm. A sense of calm had washed over them, unlike the first time Asmodeus had sunk into them.

"I'm going to go, alright." I said. Owen's neck snapped over to me, as if he forgot I was there.

"You're just going to leave them like that?"

"I don't have a choice. I'm not sure when their magic will be back, and I'm not sure the effects that Asmodeus has on them. Just make sure Lex doesn't, pass out or something. Is Asmodeus moves out of them, then just put it in a plastic bag and bring it to me as soon as you can. Tell it that the Crows okay." I said. I'm not sure that Owen understood any of what that meant. I didn't even know what I was talking about. But I left all three of them- Owen, his mouth a thin lin of resignation, Lex who was curled up against a wall, and Asmodeus. I turned and walked away.

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