Chapter Fourty-Six

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     I should have had a bigger reaction. Wow, this is a person who knew the name of the person who lived in my head, and the person who lived in my head knows the name of their mom. Woah. That's crazy though. But being totally honest, I really could not give less of a shit. 

      "Why? Do you know my mom?" Molly asked, confused by my lack of expression, I supposed. Maybe she was hoping we were long lost siblings and she was the sister of a real Celestial. But no. 

     "No, it's just a coincidence. Sorry to bug you." I didn't have any knowledge of Molly, and I didn't give a shit. There was no reason to keep the coversation going. None at all, really. I think Molly wanted to keep talking, maybe try to come up with a reason that this wasn't a coincidence. But haha, wasn't about to let that happen. 

      Dude, what? This isn't a coincidence. Talk to her more. You know that she wants to talk to you. I can read your thoughts, remember. Don't be a dick or I'll try to take your body again, Jack said. 

     Fuck you, dude. Class is starting really soon. Now, actually. I don't want to get on Mentor Anglebens bad side. He's scary. I don't enjoy him. You know that, remember, cause you can read my thoughts, I mocked. Silence. Maybe I had bested Jack once and for all. Damn. That would be really cool. I outsmarted the voice that lived in my head. I'm literally so cool. 

        After class, you better talk to her. Jack pushed, and I could feel the urgency of his words pressing against my skull, threatening to come out. 

        Why is this so important to you? It's a 14 year old girl. Not that big of a deal. Does she look like a person who you could have banged when you were alive? Sure. But a lot of people could have looked like someone who you banged when you were alive. I don't know, you could have been a player and banged a lot of people when you were alive. Maybe you liked banging people when you were alive. I don't really care. But you know what's important? Going to school and learning things at school cause that is what is imporant. WOW! 

       You don't understand. She could easily be my daughter, he insisted. 

      "OH." I said, accidently gasping out loud. A couple people raised an eyebrow or giggled in my general direction, and Mentor Angleben glared at me, stopping in the middle of his lecture. Oh shit. Wow. I paused, and kept talking, but inside my head. Wow. Your daughter. But the real question is.... who?

       Her. Molly. The girl sitting next to- Jack started, but I interupted him. 

       Asked. I continued, and smirked. I don't think that Jack could see it, but it still felt good to actually trick someone on this. Lex used to do it to me all the time and it was fucking stupid. But now I can do it. But for real right now, I don't have enough energy to care. Actually, not energy. But wow, she's your daughter. Or could be. Right now, I'm the one alive. And as the alive one, I need to do alive things. Like going to school and not failing school, alright. 

     Of all the insensitive bullshit you have done, this is one of the worse things out there. I really hope you know that right now you are being a huge dick.

      Wow. A dick. That's such a creative insult. Now get out of my brain and stop talking so you stop draining my energy and your energy because I have school stuff. 

      This is a huge fucking deal. I might have a daughter. That means, she has your DNA. That means she's also your daughter. 

      Hold up, not my daughter. We do not in fact have the same DNA. Different parents. I met your Dad, remember? He's smart old ass white man with gray hair and a medical diploma. I am not smart, old, white, or a man. Wow. So, yeah, you live in my brain, we may have shared the same magic, but we defenitly do not share the same DNA.

       Reality check, we technically don't have DNA. Crow DNA is replaced by magic. Therfore, the only relation you have with your parents is that your mother carried you, and then even then, your medical records say that you had complications in the womb and something happened. Even then, theres a great chance that you're a changeling. But that's fucking irrelevant. The point is, she's my daughter. 

      Reality reality check, you literally just said we don't have DNA, we have magic instead. So therefore, she is in fact not your daughter, but you are a person who got her mother pregnant, and she carries that girl Dianas DNA. And only Dianas. So maybe shes the first person who perfectly performed asexual reporduction. Maybe she's irrelevant. Or maybe, just MAYBE, she's in fact not your daughter, and your lovely waifu Diana banged some other dude, which probably happened, cause you were like, what, 18 when you died? 17? So, yeah. 

      You are absolutely impossible. You are one of the worst Crows that I have ever known in my entire life. You are inconsiderate, mean, vile, horrible-

      Dude, shut up. Fuck off, leave me alone, do whatever. I don't care. You don't even have the energy to take over my body. I am in class. Doing things that are important to me. I don't care if you think that I am being mean. I don't care if you think I am vile, horrible, or inconsiderate. I will talk to you about this later, and maybe, just maybe, if YOU stop being a dick, then I will talk to Molly. Which I was going to do. But now you've gone and acted like a child, do I'm going to act like a child, and we can be childish little dicks together. 

      Silence. As one should after that beat down. I glanced at Molly, and tried to find features that her and Dr. Salliman had in common. If you squinted hard enough, I guess the chin. And the eye shape. But past that, they were both completely different people.

    Look, dude, I'm sorry, but right now I really don't care. I get that this is important to you, but in the meantime, this is irrelevant to my life. It probably won't be in a week, a day, a month, and I'm sorry I made you wait, and I'm making you wait, but it's for a good reason. I'm still very sorry and I hope we can continue to work together, because you're probably my favorite alter of the everyone I met. Or Lila. Lila is pretty cool. 

       A continuation of that silence. We shared so many words. Too many words. Maybe I was a little too mean. But I did apolgize and I hope that they accepted it. 

      I tried to keep concentrating on Mentor Anglebens lecture. We had moved passed the Salem Witch trials ages ago, but right now we were talking about Pintrest Witches. Something about how they were taking over witchcraft, and how they are doing magic that will accidently turn them into Lets, and their body can't support all of the new magic, and then they die. It was a heavy day of class, and some of the kids had walked out of class. It was me, Molly, and like two other kids. I know that one of them had taken the whole day off of this class.

      Owen was staring at me. I think he knew I was communicating with Jack. I have no idea. It's scary that all of that was put in his hands. All of that power, I mean. I really hope that he wasn't going to say shit. I think he knew better, after seeing everything that was happened to Max and Dr. Grayland. 

    I raised my eyebrows at Owen, and he raised them back. I smiled, and his face remained the same half smile weird resting face thing that he did. I had been trying to avoid him for months now, and only talk to him when it was strictly nessisary. But that didn't mean that I could avoid that sticky disgusting feeling I felt in my gut when I knew that my feelings for him lingered ever so slightly. 

     He held his hand up, and between his finger was a small charm, and mouthed "FOR YOU!" . It was round, and green. Great. Another way to control my magic or something like that. Maybe it was an addition to my head peice. Who knows? I'll ask later.

     I shrugged, confused. He turned to Mentor Angleben, looked back at me, and threw it over to my hands. There was a small peice of paper wrapped around it. I unwrapped it, and read the words quietly to myself. That cheeky fucker. 

     A panic button. For your date. 

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