Chapter Fourty Two

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      I could feel my heart in my chest. Bumb bum. Bum Bum. Bum Bum. Too many thoughts and too many feelings. They wanted to kill me? Fuck. No. I wasn't doing that. I didn't want to do that.  I don't want to die at their hands. 

      Okay. Okay. Okay. What do I do? I have information inside my brain. I needed to use it. Okay. 

        Hey, anyone in my brain. Jack. No. I need to talk to Jack. Not anyone. Can you hear me? Or did the blessing fuck up my communication to you to? I asked. Silence for a few moments. Those moments turned into seconds. The seconds turned into minutes which turned into hours which turned into an eternity. Please. Someone get Jack for me. 

        This is taking all of my energy. I heard someone laugh. So I don't really think I can talk for that long. Or for a while afterword until you get that stupid blessing out of yourself.

       Okay. Okay. Okay. Are you Jack? I asked. 

        Yeah. They sighed. I'm Jack. I was going to say alive and in the flesh but neither of those statments would be correct, would they? Funny. Just like his dad. Yeah, don't mention my Dad please. The hell I put him through..... I'm really pissed he's going through it again.  

        I'm sorry. 

       It's not your fault. It's stupid Max's fault for guiding Owen and introducing him to my Dad. I know you used to like him or whatever, but fuck Owen. 

        Yeah. Fuck Owen. I responded. 

       You wanna ask some questions? Cause I'm already losing a lot of strength and I don't want to waste anymore of this time on small talk, even though it's fun to be talking to the newest Crow. I think Jack was trying to make it easier for me. Trying to not scare me. WELL TOO FUCKING LATE!

       Yeah. Sorry. I'm just really freaked out. Anyway, I thought Zachariah was the last Crow. Aren't you? You died the same day I was born. Doesn't reincarnation have something to do with birth and death days? 

      Well, we all used to have a specific birthday and death day, but after Edward it all got fucked up. So now we all just die when we die and that's that. But to your questions, a lot of us don't realize we're dead until the kid could be 15 years old, or when the kid dies. Plus, theres a lot of stuff that we have to do in here. Keep track of emotions, try to keep you from doing dumb stuff, and stuff like that. We get busy and miss a couple decade. I think that's what happened with Zachariah. But I can guarantee that I am the last Crow. The Crow before you. May 13th, 2008. One second I'm getting the life sucked out of me with death magic, the next I'm watching you get forced out of your moms vagina. 

        Thank you for that vivid image. But also, thank you for answering that question. Can't wait for me to just..... be stuck in some kids head for the rest of eternity. Ew. I really didn't like the thought of that. Anyway, the next question: What happened when you got the blessing? Did the same thing happen to you or was it something horrible and never seen before that I should be scared of? 

      I think you already kind of know the answer to that. I mean, you heard my Dad, Felix. I don't want to have to spell it out for you like everyone else in here does. No, the same thing happened to me. Even though I didn't have quite the same emotional reaction as you, the same physical things occured. A pause. A breath. A silence. Except the goo for me wasn't black. It shouldn't be black anyway. It should be the color of your magic. I had weather magic, and I know there isn't a solid color for weather, but it was the color of clouds. The goo is your magic leaking out of your body. It's just your magic and everything magic about you flowing out of you. 

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