Chapter Sixteen

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"No. No no no. Absolutely not." Dr. Salliman said, slamming on the breaks in emphasis. "In what world do you think I would just drop you off and skip out on this great education and protection that you are being given to hang out with some hooligans I've never met or heard of?!"

"I wasn't planning on making you like, drop me off or anything." I muttered in the back seat, and then folded my arms like a child. It was dumb to let Salliman know my plan. But I thought it might as well be helpful for an adult to know just in case. Besides, I kind of wanted to tell someone. "I just wanted to let you know that if the school called or anything-"

"And the school will not call. You know why? Because you'll be staying there, and going to your respective classes, and learning things that you are lucky to get the chance to learn!" They almost yelled.

"Don't flip out okay, just, jesus, calm the hell down." I was walking on thin territory. Dangerously thin territory. But I wanted a reaction from them. I wanted Dr. Salliman to flip the fuck out and yell.

"Do. Not. Tell. Me. To. Calm. Down." They're knuckles grew white as they gripped harder and harder on the steering wheel. "Do not tell me to not flip out. Do you even realize how horribly messed up you sound right now? Do you know how much I want to slap you?! You want to go out and be a kid and fuck up and this isn't-"


"THAT'S WHAT ALMOST KILLED YOU LAST TIME." I shut up when Dr. Salliman screamed at me. They turned around and stared at me, their face red and their eyes wet. They never yelled. They never cried. Oh my Gods. "YOU ALMOST DIED LAST TIME YOU RAN AWAY TO GO HANG OUT WITH YOUR FRIEND." They're voice began to crack. Oh shit. "And I am not letting you get away with letting a dead body hang on everyone elses concious because you were fucking stupid." They said, they're eyes fixed on the road while tears ran out of them like rivers. I opened m mouth to try to speak, but nothing seemed right to say. When we got to school, they just opened the car door in silence. I hesitated to leave, but the sharp, cutting look they sent me said no to say anything. Fuck. I might have just fucked up the only real relationship I had with any adult ever.

"Fine." I muttered, and slammed the car door as hard as I could. Icing on the cake. This is so fucking awesome.

The hallways made way for me, for the first time since I started this school. And not and avoiding or important make way, the make way as in, 'Hey, someone's walking here. Move.' In a polite way. So nice. I didn't understand. Everytime I walked through these halls, I seemed to have a different impression on these people. Yet this time, it was one of respect.

I was a bit tense that Majortrix would jump out and like, tackle me. I probably would have heard him coming though, with all the nosies he made.

Classes were normal. Dull. I zoned out while words I didn't know and places I couldn't recognize zoomed around my head. My knee bounced up and down in a comforting rythm while my fingers tapped in a loop of seven. I tried to count the other kids features. Put them all in boxes. I was good at that. One kid with.... Two....and.... Four freckles..... I know....

Dr. Salliman was my main support. I'm terrified. They know that I smoke. They have cut up my heart and glued it all together and have done surgery on me. God fucking hell.

But Dr. Salliman isn't my parent. They're their own person. The only resonsability they have to me is too make sure I don't die. And even if I do, they get a little pat on the back from the Court saying "well, you did your best!" and are put on a new assignment.

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