Chapter Thirty Eight

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       As soon as I teleported home, I realize that I needed to text Dr. Salliman. I didn't have it in my to keep teleporting, and I was supposed to be at their house today. Like I said earlier in the book,  on the weekends, I stay Dr. Salliman. For the past couple weeks, I had just been teleporting, because Dr. Salliman had been angry at me, and I had been excused from school last week for Celestial buisness. 

      I texted them, and put my phone down, not expecting the instant response from Dr. Salliman. Their contact was SillyMon, and it was a zoomed in picture of them laughing, so it was their very basic features and nothing else. 

     Are you okay? They texted after I told them that I wasn't going to be at their house tonight. 

     Ye, I'm fine. I responded. Just really tired. A call request popped up, and my heart ached for Zain. I accepted the call, and braced myself for what was going to happen. Dr. Salliman and I never called eachother, and rarely even texted, so I was either going to be cursed out or I was going to have a gentle but very firm talking to. 

      "What did you do? I'm half-way to the school and I get a text from you saying that you're not even at school. How have you managed to miss this much school? First it was to go hang out with friends, and then it was Celestial stuff, and now this?" They asked. They didn't sound angry, but Salliman defenitly wasn't happy. 

        "So, first, I smoked with them, we didn't just hang out. Second, the Celestial stuff is important. You know I'm so cool that I'm like illegal but also one of the most powerful people in the Alt world. Third, I took the kids in my Experimental class to a field trip to the normal world and got tired ffrom teleporting a lot, and everyone covered for me and said I threw up, and then I went home because the rest of my classes were stupid." Which was true. After this, I had P.E., and then free period, and then History of Lets. And I wasn't in the mood to see or talk to Owen, and that was one of my easiests classes. 

       "I'm really angry at you, you know that, right? What you did was stupid and immature and put you and all of those kids in danger. I'm not angry at you for smoking or doing Celestial stuff, and I know that you probably should have gone home, so thank you for listening to your body. But I was close to resgining and you would have gotten a new doctor. Do you understand that?" Dr. Salliman said. A thousand feelings fell through my head and into my heart, but mostly it was sadness and panic. "But then I realized how much I care about you and how much you care about me, and we wouldn't be together forever, so I should try to spend as much time with you as I can."

      "Aww, Sally, those are some of the kindest words you've ever spoken to me!" I said, and ruined the moment. "And you said so many. Why? This feels like a trap. Did you do something?" 

      "Why can't you just not dig so deep into everything I say? Be a proper autistic." Damn, that hurt a little bit. But fair. I don't really know anymore. Dr. Salliman continued. "I'm sorry. That sounded mean. Sometimes your anxiety just gets a little much. But no, this isn't a trap. I'm going to come and pick you up in 15 minutes. You're going to school tommorow, and I want to do a few check ups on you. Just routine stuff. The Court has been doing some kind of shady things to new Celestials these days, and I want to make sure everything is still running smoothly. Also, check your internal wings braces, as well as your brain chip, and-"

       "Alright, alright, I get it. Big doctor stuff. I'm going to go and get ready. You need to leave, because if you're anybit late, there is no way that Mama is going to let me go, alright." That was a fib. Mama didn't really know I was home, let alone why I was home or that I would be with Salliman. I just didn't want to hear their voice right now. Salliman said words that made me upset. I wanted to process those words and then forgive them. 

     The call ended promptly, and I looked around my room. I didn't need to pack anything, cause I had clothes at Dr. Sallimans house, along with a charger. I guess my laptop, for writing. I got my backpack out and loaded that up, along with it's charger. 

      It felt weird to prepare with Sallimans house again. It used to be almost like a reward, something I would count on to get me through the weekends. But Salliman is going to be weird now. And I'm going to hate it and not going to be able read their tone. Fuck. 

      Dr. Salliman, even though they were in fact, a doctor, kind of let me do whatever. Mama wasn't good about letting me eat sugar and stuff, but Salliman let me enduldge on whatever I wanted, within reason. He know I stayed fit with running, and if he didn't let me eat what I wanted there was very little I would eat. 

        When they weren't checking up on me, and doing important things, we would hang out and have fun. Get ice-cream, go walk the mall and go to the library, normal things like that. But if I was lucky, then I could do magic stuff with them. I practiced my magic a lot with them. Sometimes, the doctor would let me tag along with their school and stuff like that. They went to a magic medical school in the Alt world, and when they were feeling specically genorous, I was allowed to hang out with their friends and sit in on classes. 

       I needed to do something with my life. I had 10 minutes to get ready and my brain is going insane. Fuck. I want to smoke. 

    I had recently moved my vape up to my room for charging purposes, and so now would be the perfect time to do something self destructive like that. Vaping didn't get me that high, but I was certainly buzzed. I lifted my vape up to my mouth, and tried to inhale. But.... I started to choke.

       Of course you cough when you vape, it comes with the territory. But this was different. This was like something was forcing me to not be able to inhale. Then I coughed something up. 

      I looked at my hand, in which what I had coughed up was sitting in. It was dark and cold and goopy, kind of like Abaddon or Asmodeus. Shit. This wasn't good. What the fuck?

      My throat felt bubbly and uncomfortable, like I was choking on something. Maybe I was. I don't know. But whatever was in my throat was allowing me to breath, as well as function normally. What the fuck?

      Maybe it was the like....  the spell that the Court did on me? I don't think so. It kind of looked like the the goop from the dream. 

       In my hand, the goop had quickly turned watery. Really really watery. It dripped down onto my comforter and down my leg. Fuck. Something was really wrong. Cause when I looked in the mirror, my face veins in my face looked black, and whatever it was was dripping out of my nose and my eyes. 

       I need Dr. Salliman. I really needed Dr. Salliman. 

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