Chapter Nineteen

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      Two weeks passed. Quite litteraly two weeks. Nothing happened. Nothing out of the ordinary at least. Both schools were fine. I passed my French test. Majortrix glared at me in the hallways, be basically ignored me during classes, which was a relief. Lex's powers were fully gone from my system. And I haven't tried Asmodeus out on anything else, on the fact I was kind of scared. Zains visited twice, and they didn't try anything else like they did last time. Owen was normal, and we had good conversations. I think I'm going to tell him I like him soon. 

       I started to branch out a little at Celenian. It was.... scary. But for now,  I was good with my stoner group. I talked to Ginger a little bit. Not a lot. But enough to keep a good conversation occasionally and have somewhat of a nice connection. So yeah. Classes were going better. I started retaning the information better, and Abaddon was getting a lot stronger. Midterms were starting to roll around, and some of the upperclassman seemed really stressed, because they had theirs earlier. I only have them in a few classes and next week, so that won't be too bad. But yeah. 

        Dr. Salliman is really pissed from the night I snuck out and smoked. The next night when I met with them, they screamed at me, and threatened to get me expelled. Communication got worse throught the week, them becoming more terse and short with me, until they stopped showing up. They sent me a text saying that for the next couple days I would have to teleport myself. Mama says they'll come around. She thinks that we just got into a small argument. I don't feel bad. I needed to fade away and smoke and just make everything go away. But I understand where they're coming from. 

       So yeah. Right now, I'm at school. Celenian, to be exact. Jacob and Matthew are currently flocking at my sides, and I'm half listening to their conversation, and halfway listening to music. Thinking about my real school. I think I'm drifting away from everyone. Or at least Van and Madeline. I'm spending so much time with Owen and Taylor and them. Not saying I don't love them. Just saying like, I need to reconnect with them. I just....lie to them so much. Not in a mean way, most of the time. Not like a mean way exactly, just in a fabricating way. I just need to cover up this part of my life. And I feel shitty about it. I don't think theres a single Freshman in my grade whos a Let. 

      "Yo. Felix. Someone's shouting for you." Jacob said, and elbowed me. Even though he was a grade younger than me, he seemed to be eons older. One thing about Jacob, he's convinced that I'm a Legacy. Because I'm the trickest of trickery. It was a tricky cherade I had to keep up with. The culture shocks were still there, but I've learned how to keep them down and quiet. I just had to keep quiet again, and obserb everything through eyes looking misconception and abnormalties. 

      We were walking outside to the teleporting area after a full day of school. The only reason these two went to weekend classes was because they had for whatever reason opted to do night classes with me. I think it was a waste of time and money, but whatever. Also, I think it's cause they got caught smoking one too many times, which we had just gotten back from doing. "Hmm? What?" I asked, trying to fight the soft blanket of drowsyness that had settled on my brain just moments before, that I had so been waiting for. Whoever is yelling my name would not be getting the happiest Felix. 

      "Dude it's the fucking wolf kid." Matthew said, and elbowed me in the side. 

       "Aren't you a wolf kid?" I replied, before cursing myself. Shit. Jacob seemed normal, unfazed with the whole thing. Maybe they were trying to sus me out. 

        "Yeah. But they're like, super wolf kid. Like, they would have wolves on their binders and shit. It's fucking weird. The rest of us are like, Fanglets too, but they're super Fanglet. It's not cool. They're also not a Legacy. But they're fucking full Celestial, which is unfair. I don't understand why we can't have more Legacy Celestials, like you, Felix." Yes. Like me Because it's so much fucking fun to be a Celestial. 

       "Felix!" Eddie yelled, and for a second I felt a flush of embarrsment. But that was dumb. I didn't care if I looked stupid talking to Eddie in front of my new friends, even if I did genuinly like these new friends. 

      "Hey, Eddie." I said, and Eddie beamed. It had curly brown hair, wolf fangs, and some sort of other magic I really didn't know about. It used it/it's pronouns, and right now I had forgotten their magic, but that's okay. 

       Basically, Eddie and I were bonded as Celestials, by force. Griffin and Owen were bonded together too. It's just a traning thing, because it's easier to train Celestials in pairs. So, I have one main guardian, three training guardians, and I'm soul bonded with Eddie, who is a person I've don't know and even thought I was supposed to know it like the back of my hand for training? Or something like that? I really don't know. 

      "Felix, what are you doing with Eddie?" Jacob said calmly. This was one of the moments that he seemed to tower over me, even though we were the same height He said it calmly, as if to not alarm Eddie for his lower judgment of it, but to tell me that he didn't like I was around it and wanted to know why I would waste my time with something so miniscule and unimportant as Eddie. 

      "We're both Celestials. You train Celestials in pairs. It's just easier that way. How did you not know this?" I raised an eyebrow, and Matthew for a second looked as confused as I tried to make my voice sound. 

       "Jacob, your sisters a Celestial. Felix is right, how did you not know this?" Matthew asked, and Jacob blanched for a second. 

      "Sorry. I forgot. My sister hasn't been in training for years, bud." Jacob shot back, and his wings rusteled. They were pretty, by the way. Blue. They started as a royal blue at the center, and then got light and lighter until the tips were white. It was calming. I liked looking at them when I fell behind the group when we hung out. 

      "Actually, I'm not here to collect you for traning." Eddie pipped up. Eyes shot to it, after it was momentairly forgotten. Matthew, who had somehow managed to move behind it, mocked its words, and I sent him the best deathstare I could. "I'm supposed to let you know that tonight, Owen's going to pick you up tonight and we can start traning then. Your cover is going to be that you're staying the night at Caitlins house, so your Mom doesn't suspect anything. This way, we can take advantage of the long weekend." My heart started pounding, and I glanced at Matthew and Jacob, who shot eachother a look. Did Eddie just accidentlly spill my secret? God fucking shit. Any sort of lovely high or warmth I had exprienced was erradicated from my skull and replaced with a burning sense of urgency. 

      "Cool, Eddie. I guess. Talk to you later." Eddies face fell, and for a second I felt a sliver of regret. That sliver turned into a pool. I shouldn't be mean to Eddie cause I fucked up and told a stupid lie. "I'll see you tonight, bud." I said, and smacked it shoulder playfully. But the damage is already done. Edddie slinked away. 

      "Dude, what were they talking about?" Jacob asked. 

        "Nothing," I replied, and I pulled out my phone to shot a quick text to my emergency contact. I needed to get away. "I'll see you guys later. My shits at home, so none of that for you tonight, got it?" 

       "Wait, Felix." Matthew tried to say, but I just started to walk away. "Are you not a fucking-" He started to ask, but I cut him off.

      "I gotta get home, okay? I'll explain in the morning. Or night. I don't fucking know. See you." I said, and teleported away. It took longer than usual, which concered me a little bit. When I finally got out of the soft void, I fell down, my legs uprepared for the drop. It took me a few minutes to clear my head, but I climbed down onto a bed. My bed. I waited for my vision to un fuzz, and my throat clenched up. Shit. God fuck. When I texted them, I must have bee distracted, so I ended up teleporting there.

        I heard someones footsteps run upstaires, and someone gasp.

      "Zain." I hiccuped, and fell into their arms. 

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