Chapter Twenty-One

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       "I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU, OWEN!" I screamed, and jumped at my guardian, and grabbed his collar. He just watched me calmly. "Don't you dare make me do this. You will regret it to the ends of the Earth and back and I swear to the Gods above that I will make your life HELL!" 

       Owen just looked at me and pried my fingers off of his collar. "Sure. That's fine. But don't you think that's a tad bit dramatic? All you have to do is strip, and it'll only be for a quick second. And everyone will look away. I promise."

      Context is probably important, right? Basically, my night was going to shit. Zain flipped out I had teleported to their house, which was reasonable. After they called down, they just told me that they weren't angry and that it's not safe for me to be in their house, and I was sent out onto the streets, all alone. Just free to the cold and the wind.

      Anyway, I went home, called Owen and he talked me through what I had to do, and made up some elabrate excuse to Mama, ignored Matthew and Jacob, and started to pack. Owen drove to my place and picked me up, and then took me to a weird in-between place, parked his car, and through me through a void.

      I met up with Eddie, messed with Griffin, and tried to say as little as I could to Zia, for safety reasons. The Court had said Zia was cleared, but I'm not sure if I believe it. They knew what was going on and didn't report it. I don't trust it. 

      And even then it was going really well. Griffin, Owen, and Zia were debreifing us on what would happen this weekend, and everything sounded fine. Just training exerises, and tests, and working-out and learning. It sounded fun. We would meet the Court on Monday, which is a routine check, and yeah. It was just kind of like school. But then, our guardians pulled Eddie and I apart, and quietly explained that we would have to strip, and then get into this machine, which would examine our bodies to make a suit that we can put our wings in and out of easily or something, and GUESS THE FUCK WHAT!?! THERE WAS NO PRIVACY. AND EVERYONE WOULD BE IN THERE TOO, BECAUSE I GUESS THEY HAD TO BE THERE TO DESIGN THE FUCKING SUIT BUT THAT'S JUST FUCKING WEIRD! 

     So yeah. That's your context. I hope you enjoyed this fun, refreshing little scene of Owen being a FUCKING DOUCHEBAG. 

      Eddie, who was about 200 feet away from me, seemed to be having a similar meltdown to mine. 


       "YEAH!" I yelled in return, and Griffin flicked me off. I stuck my toung out at his middle finger. Griffin and I had a special history together. At this point, we've made up, but we hold on to that back and forth banter for the sake of it. Like, how right now, even though he was frustrated, I could see for a second that his lips teased a smile out of him when he glanced over and saw my tounge and dangling out of my mouth. 

       "FELIX COME SAVE ME!" Eddie yelled, and I started to run over to it. Owen caught me by the back of my shirt and pulled me back. God fuck. I forgot that Owen was really strong. 

      "Don't you dare go over there and make anything worse. I will be the most disappointed in you've I've ever fucking been in my entire life." I rolled my eyes, and muttered some things inside my brain about how fucking annoying Owen was. "Plus, I can hear your thoughts, remember. I can hear how you're plotting to run over there and start a revolution and stuff like that. Just..... try to learn some blocking charms at school please. I promise they'll be helpful. Plus, don't run. The ground is super uneven. I don't want you to run and full. Go talk to Eddie, and don't you dare try to start a revolution." I rolled my eyes again, and speed walked my way over to Eddie. 

      I was losing feelings for Owen. Like hard-core, more and more. The what if factor had gone away for the most part. Owen was a dad to me and only a dad to me. That was all. 

      "Eddie, I promise, it's not gonna be as bad as it sounds. We're all going to look away, and it'll only be for a few seconds. There are going to be little things to kind of like..... 3D print the suit onto you, and once you tell us it's on you can tell us any adjustments you want to make. It'll all be okay." Zia said, softly. Her British accent was fading, but tinges of it still remained. It made listening to her slightly more acceptable. She took Eddies hand gently, and for a second I almost flinched. Zia sounded just like her mother, Emily, who was the one who helped get my wings out. 

       "Felix, please, you're here." Eddie said, and brushed Zia away. "I thought I would have to fight there evil advances alone. THEY WANT US TO STRIP!?! That's so fucking weird. We have to rise against them, cause they're evil." I opened my mouth to speak, but Owen's words whispered in my ears. Also, I could feel his glare on the back of my neck. I think guardians can shoot laser out of their eyes, but it only works on their fledgings. Cause the're poopy. I sighed. 

      "Yeah. It's gonna be shitty." Griffin raised an eyebrow, unsure of who's side I was on. "But I mean, the sooner we get it over with, I guess." I said, and Eddie looked defeated.

    "You mean you're not on my side with this?" It pouted. I shook my head. 

       "To be fair, I don't think anyone really wants to look at you naked. They're all creepy anyway and don't deserve it." 

       "Fair enough," it replied, and bumped into my shoulder. "Let's just get this over with."

      It didn't actually end up being really terrible. I made Owen and Griffin put on a blindfold, cause I'm annoying as shit, and made Zia and Eddie promise to look away. And it really was only for a few seconds. Basically, a big laser thingy came in and like, melted this weird white synthetic materiel on me. I was in this huge white room, and it was making me float. There were these weird gray spots on the walls that looked kinda like speakers and jacuzzi jets. The laser felt cold and uncomfortable, especically going on certain parts of my body, but it was over in basically 4 seconds. 

      When I gave the all clear, Owen took command of a big video game controller looking thing with a bunch of buttons and joysticks, and made adjustments, like cutting the back out and making it have shorts and long sleeves. He then asked me some questions, like if I wanted any patterns or decorations. I ended up with a work out one peice thing, with the back cut out so I can unfurl my wings without magic. The base color was a forest green, and it had green swirls on the inside of the legs. Owen said that later I could add my own little things on to them, and it would be fine. 

      Eddie did the same thing, but with a little more squirming and gasping and complaining. I mostly messed with Owen the entire time, because Griffin was in control. Halfway through, maybe because she was tired of listening to Eddie complain, Zia elbowed Griffin out of the way, and took control. I wish she had taken over with Owen, because she handeled this like a PRO. 

      It was over in maybe like..... 20 minutes? Time feels weird when you're inside of the white room, but it dragged on FOREVER when you were outside of it. Owen swatted me away, and at one point, grabed my hands and told me to stop, to which Griffin sushed me, and then Zia swatted us, but missed and hit the controller, and then accidnelty gently bumped Eddie, and then it screamed. What a glorious choice of actions. 

      Soon, Eddie stepped out of the machine, and instantly put it's clothes on. Zia looked like they wanted to scold it, but didn't anyway, with the promise that they would wear it during training and only that and no other clothes. So yeah. 

      "ALRIGHT!" Griffin said, and clapped his hands. "Now your real training begins."

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