Chapter Forty Three

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       "Oh. We were just talking about you." Owen said, and smiled, like this was a joke. A funny, funny joke. Were they literally not just talking about how they had to kill me? Or was that a funny joke too. A smirk tinged his lips and cheeks, but his eyes were tired and sunken. 

     "Yeah. I heard." I missed Jack. I should have talked to Jack more. Spent more energy speaking to him. I pulled up a chair to the table. I counted three cups of tea. All of them steaming. One of them half empty. The rest untouched. One teapot. One empty cup, flipped over. I flipped it rightside up, and traced the rim of it with my finger. 

       "We've been....discussing ideas." Dr. Salliman said. 

        "Oh. Cool." I paused. I didn't know if they wanted to tell me what they thought of or what. Silence, from everyone. I used my telekenisis to lift the teapot into my hands. It spilled a little bit on my palms. My skin burned for a second, and then I shook it offf, and poured myself some tea. I didn't plan on drinking it, but it was good to hold something when it was hot. 

      "We think that you should maybe....." Salliman said, but lost their train of thought. 

       "I mean, you could try to-" Owen started, maybe trying to continue what Salliman wanted to say. But Grayland cut him off. 

      "I'm not going to pretend that we know what to do. My eldest son died while we were trying to figure out what to do in this same exact situation. We have no idea what to do, and while the other two want to pretend that they can help you and know what they should do, I'm going to be straight with you." Dr. Grayland said. "We have to go to the Court. You can't just get hurt and have more of your magic bleed out of you. It's not a fun. Your magic has been with you since birth. You can't just all of a sudden lose it all. It's horrible, and I don't want to see that happen to you." 

        "So there's nothing I can do. Nothing at all. My choices are a)," I lifted one finger. "I go to the people who want to kill me, and hope that they'll reverse it. And we can't tell them the reason, because then they're going to kill me. B)," I lifted yet another finger. Everyones faces dropped slightly. "I let this sit, and them all of a sudden all of my magic is gone. The thing everyones been saying is one of the most important aspect of my life. It'll just bleed out of me everytime I get scrapped or bumped or anyone touches me. Or ,C, which by the is my favorite option, I try one of your crazy ass fucking options, sorry Salliman I know you hate swearing but right now I could care more about a rats ass, and possibly die." 

      "You forgot to raise you finger for C." Owen said. He tried to smile again. Tried to lighten the mood. Tried to do anything to make all of this seem like less of a big deal than it really was. The two adults in the room looked upset. Really upset. Sallimans face was red. Red and their eyes were misty. To the point of crying misty. They were about to cry. I hated that. Dr. Grayland had the same look of deja vu on his face. Like he was watching another child that he cared about die becasue of some stupid law. 

      "Thank you, very much for the WONDERFUL FUCKING OBSERVATION!" I said, and balled my hands into fists. I felt Abaddon and Asmodeus in my throat. Wouldn't it have been cool to take Owens magic. All of his knowledge that he took from other people, all of those secrets he heard through the whisper of someone elses subconcious. Wouldn't that be so easy. 

       I pushed both my magics down. Neither of them would do me any good. Besides, if I was going to lose them anyway, I'm not going to waste them on Owen of all people. "Do you feel happy, making light of this situation? Do you think you're funny? Do you think that there is sort of solution that has suddenly awakened from the depths of my concious from that hilarious comment you just made to save me from not dying? Or are you still at a loss for that and you thought that it would just be awesome to say something like that?"

       Silence. A lot of silence. Silence to fill barrels and barrels and barrels. I could fill Niagra falls with all of this silence and then still have some extra to spare. "Cool. So still nothing. Let me know if y'all think of anything. Also, what do you mean you just had to kill me? Cause not to uhh.... snoop or anything but, you know, I heard death and other things. So mabye just like, tell me. That would be super cool." 

     "You heard that?" Owen asked. 

      "No! I just took a wild guess! ACTUALLY WAIT! Now all of a sudden I stole your magic without you looking and I know exactly what your thinking and all of those memories I stole from your brain and I know exactly everything your thinking!" I said, and smiled. I was trying to sound bitchy, which was unfair. But it just felt like a defense at this point. I should maybe stop being bitchy to the people who want to help me like..... live? But whatever. They don't really seem to care. 

       "That was called for as long as you're only mean to Owen. You can only do whatever you want to Owen but we," Salliman said, and gestured to themself and Dr. Grayland, "are the adults here. So why don't you and Owen go at it and play wrestle in the living room, and the adults," again gesturing wildly between themselves and Dr. Grayland, the so called 'adults', "are going to discuss more options so you don't die. OR, you can wait here, not be a bitch, and we can explain the thought process and not die. I prefer the second one, but if you want to do something else, be my guest!" I don't think I ever heard Salliman sound this mad. Well, not mad. But they were certainly really fed up. 

         "Okay." I said, and put my hands in my lap. Owen and I glanced at eachother. I don't think he's been called a child for a while. Or at least lumped into a group with me. I don't think that's happened since the friend group fell apart. 

       "We said that we were going to kill you partly as a joke. Theres an incredibly high chance that you're going to die. It's a possibilty in every possibilty to save you that we've come up with. But then we got to thinking. " Dr. Graylander said, in full seriousness. "Is it true that you've recently awakened your mother from the dead? Or at least, saved her from a spell? And the cause of death was the killing magic that you command, correct?" I nodded, and started to put the peices together. "We think that we can do that for you."

          "But..... wouldn't you have to kill me with killing magic? But.... Abaddon doesn't kill me. I own Abaddon. I mean, I'm in control of it. It's inside of me. Like, HELLO! I'm not dying."

      "Felix, I don't know if you remember, but you know that even though you're special in most places, but other people have killing magic. But they're heavily monitered and grown up and don't flaunt and pull out their magic at the drop of the pin." Owen said. Why is he even here? He's like, one and a half years older than me. What's the point? Sure, he's had about 4 and a half year mores experience than me, but the first year was probably all bullshit, and so technically it's only three and a half years, and those years are probably like really split in half, due to the fact that he can't be doing magic all the time. And so that's around one and three quaters years maybe? And he's sleeping through some of that, so maybe one year? And then, really, he's doing school work all the time, probably around half a years worth. So that's 6 months. Therfore, he's only had enough experience as me. Haha, yes! Zoning out math!

       "But we think that maybe if you die, you'll stay permanatly dead. Just because of the Crow recncarnation thing. And right now, we can't risk it. I think we're in the middle of something big, and we need our Crow alive for that." Salliman winked and smiled. 

      "Okay. So, we're still at a loss?" I asked. "All of that build up, this entire scene, was for nothing?" 

     "Yep." Owen said. "And this was pointless. I don't know why I was brought into this. But I'm leaving. Grayland, you coming with me?" He asked, and got out of his chair. 

     "Give me a second, and then I'll go. That was rude, by the way, Owen." Dr. Grayland said and moved to talk to Salliman. 

      So this was falling apart. Whatever. I don't really care. I'm dying either way. I ran up to my room, put my stoner playlist on, and crawled into bed, and tried to forget tonight. 


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