Chapter Forty One

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       "I WAN'T IT OUT OF ME!" I screamed, trying to wiggle my way out of Sallimans grasp. They were currently pinning my wrists with one hand on the top of the dentists chair, while their elbow was in the middle of my stomach. My legs were kicking around, and my whole body was thrashing. 

      "FELIX! CALM DOWN! PLEASE!" They yelled, partical of spits in my flying into my eyes. I kicked them in the chest, and they went hurtling backwards. I watched them for a second, and then grabbed the knife closest to me. But the blessing wouldn't let the knife touch me skin, and black goop kept pouring out of my eyes. I tried to do anything. Drop the knife. But I couldn't move. Goo started to pour out of my face holes again, choking me. 

      "Okay, okay. You're frozen. Stay frozen. And, I'm going to grab your phone and call Owen. Shit. Wait. You don't have a phone. Okay. I'll call Dr. Grayland and he can get Owen. I have Dr. Graylands number on my Nictor." I heard Salliman storm into the other room, rummage through their purse. I, on the other hand, couldn't see. Couldn't hear, and I couldn't breath. All of this black gunk was blocking up everything. This was really fucking horrible. 

      Muffeled, I heard Salliman frantically talking to someone over the phone. Possibly Grayland. Most likely Grayland. Fucking hell. I didn't want Owen here. If I was still going to be stuck in this position. 

      "Okay. Okay.  Okay sounds good. Thank you. Thank you. Please, hurry. And hurry as fast as you can because I think something horribly wrong happened with his blessing because he's a Crow." I tried to open my mouth, the the black stuff slipped farther back into my throat. It tasted horrible. Like glue and blood and what I imagine a worm would taste like. "Okay, Felix." Dr. Salliman said, pressing a button on their Nictor and walking back over to me. They choked on a sob, much like how I was choking on whatever the fucking tar this was. "We need to get you cleaned up. Can you move again? At all?" I tried to get my body to move, but nothing happened. That fucking blessing was going haywire. "Okay. You can't move. Can you try to tell me if you want to get cleaned up?"

      "Ge dis ooo me." I tried to sputter out, spittle and black goop dribbling down onto my chin. So I guess the blessing thought I was safe enough to talk. They tried to get as much goo out of my ears as possible, but I could still just barley hear my voice. 

       "Yeah. Yeah I'm trying." Salliman wipped the goo out of my eyes, and now I could see how frantic their eyes looked. They wrenched the knife out of my hands. Fuck, Felix. Why can't I have one normal god damn night with you. This is literally the first time I've seen you in weeks and you're already testing my patience and my medical skills.  I'm really not trained for this. I'm supposed to be like, a med student, you know, and I'm sorry I can't-"

       "SALLIMAN OPEN THE GOD DAMN DOOR!" I heard someone yell. Salliman dropped the towel, and it fell on my foot. Most of the goo had stopped dripping, but it was still drying on me, like blood. It was also still pretty hard to breath, due to the goo in my nose. Salliman opened the door, and I heard a bunch of yelling. I heard my name. Felix. Felix. Felix. Felix. I heard that got damn word again. Blessing. Blessing. Blessing. And then there was another word that I heard twice. Killing. Killing. 

        After the second killing, three pairs of feet ran into the room. Owen. Dr. Grayland. And Dr. Salliman. 

      Dr. Grayland looked horrified. But also there was a stale look of deja vu painted on his expression. Dr. Grayland was the person who Owen took me to to get my wings checked up with when I was the new fledgling. He also took me to the safehouse when there was apparently going to be an attack on the Lets. That was the night of the accident, and I haven't seen him since. 

     Owen looked scared. Like, really scared. There wasn't a look of deja vu on his face, which I'm a little iritated with cause it's easier to interogate Owen there Dr. Grayland. But he just looked really confused and really scared. He touched some of the goo that had fallen on the floor, and then grabbed the towel and instantly rubbed it off. Maybe it had hurt him. Maybe his finger was frozen now. 

      Salliman looked the same as before. Confused and scared and angry and so many bad things that I felt absolutely terrible making them feel. Why couldn't I just fucking listen? But now wasn't the time for pity. Now was the time to fix this so I don't like, die. Because everyone keeps fucking saying that this supposed bLeSsInG is killing me soooooo. 

        "So is he really, 100% frozen. Like we know this for sure." Owen asked. I wanted to give him the finger but, OH WAIT! I was frozen. "I know that you just thought about giving me the finger. Mask your thoughts. It won't do a lot cause I can still feel some of your more desperate thoughts and such, but I won't be able to hear all the dumb shit." Oh yeah. Masking my thoughts. I did that quickly, but that felt weak. Maybe while I was frozen my magic turned defective. "Thank you."

       "Yeah, no, he's defenitly frozen. If he wasn't he would be screaming and crying and probably wipping himself off or getting in the shower, don't you think." Salliman replied. I think they were trying to lighten the situation. I really wanted to unfreeze and give them the biggest hug in the whole world. 

       I could feel the freezing going away, but I knew that if I moved then I would collapse and then after that I would have to answer a lot of weird questions and tell Grayland I was a Crow even though Salliman already did that which was dumb but I don't know. 

         "I don't know Felix that well, but this is defenitly what happened with Max. It's uncanny. Most of the time when fledglings come to me with problems with their blessing, it's numbness of the arm or leg or some sort of tic that they can't get rid of. Nothing like this. I don't think that it's killing Felix, but I would say that we need to reverse it as soon as we can." Dr. Grayland says. 

     "But do you think it's defenitly a Crow problem?" Owen asked. 

     "This is absloutely a Crow problem. The same thing happened to Jack. The goo, the frozenness, everything. Shit. I didn't think I would see anything like this ever again." Grayland replied. His eyes started to get misty, and his voice crackeled a little bit. Who was Jack? Was he the Crow before me? What?

       "Fuck. So we can't take him to a doctor?" Owen said. 

       "Who was Jack?" I croaked. The skin around my lips cracked with the goo, and flakes of it fell to the ground like snow. 

      "Jack was my son, who was the Crow before you. He was also Max's brother, and Max was Owen's guardian. He died because the Court found out he was a Crow and put him to death on May 13th, 2008. If I'm correct, that's your birthday." Grayland said, his face numb and cold. But not to me. He just seemed to resent the Court. 

       "Yeah." Fuck. I just reminded him of his dead son, who the Court killed. Well. I don't know. 

       "Alright then. You can talk. The blessing is going to let go of you starting with your neck, your right arm, and then move down to your body. The last thing that's going to unfreeze is the arm that you were trying to cut. I'm not going to read to into the position your in, because I'm just going to assume that you just wanted to test the blessing, and not try to kill yourself or harm yourself, because you already remind me way to much of Jack and I don't need you to-" Grayland said, but then Owen cut him off. 

      "What Grayland wants to tell you is that he just doesn't need to know if your cutting yourself, which I know your not. We're going to be in the kitchen, and when you unfreeze you can join. In the mean time, we're going to be discussing how to get the blessing out of you without involving the Court." Owen said, and quickly turned his back. It's funny. Owen could command a room in a few short sentences. He could sound like the wisest and the strongest. But in a moment like this, it looked like he was a child. 

     It took a while for me to unfreeze. A while is a understatment. It took forever. But eventually, I slipped off the chair and crashed to the ground, my arm still in a weird position. I made my way over to the kitchen and tried to figure out what they were saying. That's when I heard something really fucking horrible, making this day even better. 

       "We'll just have to kill him. That's the plan, alright."

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