Chapter Twenty Three

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Like Owen said, there were eight Court people. There were the three I knew of, like Kingston Hestia and the old lady, but then there were the other five. They circled Eddie and I like hawks almost instantly, and pushed our guardians away. I studied each of them carefully, sizing up who I was dealing with.

"I swear, every decade they get even more and more scrawny." A sad looking middle-aged man said. He had a potbelly, and a sweaty, balding head, his gray skin tinted with a sickening green. "Why are the gods even making Celestials anymore. They seem to be getting weaker and weaker everytime another one crawls into this world." He poked me in the arm, and smacked it away.

"Dion, enough." Another man said. He had fiery red hair, and a matching red beard, making his pale skin seem even paler. He seemed cheerful enough, even though eyed me up and down with the same intensity I had given them. "Compared to you, everyone looks scrawny." I had to choke down a snort. The older man, Dion, just glared, and shut his mouth.

"They can also hear you." A beautiful woman said, her dark brown skin hugged by a green ball gown, which seemed a little extra but okay. "Besides, they're not children. Probably around 16 or 17. Be kind to them."

"Of course Gaea is going to comfort them. Maybe we can all just leave and have Hestia and Gaea deal with these too." Another boy said. He was probably like twenty, with dark brown hair and glasses which seemed much too big for him. He had a mischevaous smile, making him look like someone who shouldn't be trusted with matches at all. Or even be home alone.

"Owen, what are they doing here?" A girl said. She had bright pink hair, and her skin was dotted with freckles. She looked like she should be partying and drinking and doing acid instead of being here of all people. "Is it a meeting or a purification or what?"

"Blessing." Owen pipped up. "New Celestials. They're already locked in together, but the blessing is going to be helpful. Theres a lot going on already, and one of them almost died. So, you know, if you could to the Achillies thing it would be good. But it's really important that we do this as soon as possible. Please." He sounded desperate. That was freaky.

"We know, Owen. There's know need to rush us. We know what to do. Maybe we all just want to get to know these two first? There are only a handful of true Celestials anymore, and they're all an important asset if the Lets want to keep living the way that we are." Gaea said. She turned back to Eddie and I, and smiled. "I'm going to assume you bowed already and don't know our customs."

"Yes Ma'am. Courtress. Count? Ms. Gaea?" I said quickly. She smiled, but that kind of weird smile that people do when they think you're just acting like a dumb stupid puppy. "May I ask a question?" Gaea looked a little taken aback by what I assumed was my boldness. I thought I was being polite, but Owen, who glared at me, seemed to think otherwise. Eddie was shaking next to me. It must not have been used to so many eyes staring at it, studying, watching for a screw up.

"Don't listen to Felix." Griffin added quickly. "I can promise you that anything he has to say isn't as important as the blessing, which I think we could probably do right now. You were given a warning of our arrival, correct?" GOD DAMN! I wanted to flick him off so badly, but I knew that the scary Court people would see if I did and I didn't want them to be mad at me.

"Griffin, of course, great to see you again. I see you maintained your biting comments, despite your better judgement. How.....wonderful." The red head said. "And is Felix the one you are guiding? With.... Zia?"

"No, mine is Eddie. I wouldn't let my fledgling get away with such disrespectful words and actions, you're magnificent omnipetent Court Self." Griffin said. I thought he was going to be smitted. Sweat started to roll down my back. I was scared at this point. I didn't know what to do. Griffin kept his head high. I could cut the tension with a butter knife. I thought a bomb was going to explode, or the red-head was going to shoot lasers out of his eyes and cut Griffins head off.

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