Chapter Thirty Two

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       Okay. So. My mom was dead. Which was a little bit my fault, but to be fair, I thought she would be smart enough to like, not? You know? I had decided that she was defenitly dead, heart stopped, chest not moving, the whole shibang. Is that a word? Shibang? I think so. 

     I didn't know if I should call 911. That seemed a little weird. A magical goo killed her anyway. Or maybe I should stab her, to make it more believable. Oh wait. Then it would just be easier to pin the murder on me. That's a scart thought. 

     Hmm. So. My mom really was dead. And what was my first move? To call Owen of all people. Cause even though he was kind of weird, and I didn't like him like that anymore, he was still my wing yoda, and I loved him. 

      "So. Owen. My mother is dead." I said quickly, the second he picked up the call. "And I'm 99.9% sure that it was Abaddon. Scratch that. It was defenitly Abaddon. 100%." I said, trying to make this sound funny. Owen, on the other hand, defenitly didn't think this was funny. Party pooper. 

      "FELIX!" He yelled, his voice becoming warped over the phone. "WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING?!? YOU KILLED YOUR MOM!" 

      "Correction!" I yelled back. "I killed someone or something that looked like my Mom! I don't actually think that it was my Mom!" There was a second of silence, and then a FaceTime notifcation popped up from Owen. I clicked on it, and Owens face filled the screen. He was pinching the bride of his nose, as he does so often, and his face was red. 

      "I need you to start from the very beginning, and tell me as much as you can. Without leaving anything out. And I mean anything." And so, I recounted what I had experienced, starting with when I got out of the car. Leaving out the crying, as much as I could. 

      "Boy, I dropped you off like an hour and a half ago. Maybe just an hour. How the actual fuck have you managed to do something like this? Actually, don't answer that." He sighed, exasperated. "You manage to amaze me, Felix. Somehow, you are always in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong person and the wrong reaction. Every single time. How?! Just how?!" 

     "I'm just special like that." I smiled. He rolled his eyes, but let out a chuckle. Inside, I let out a small breath of releif. He wasn't made. "But what do you think about my theory that it's not actually Mama?" 

      "I think you might be write. You said she was acting weirdly right? Like, meaner, and just saying things overall unher?" He asked, and I nodded. 

      "I know my Mom. And I know that this is a weird situatuion, but my Mom wouldn't react like that. Besides, her eyes looked....weird." I replied.

      "How weird?" 

      "Cloudy. Murkey is a better for it. There was this whole new permanent glimmer in her eyes. It made her look cruel. So yeah. Murkey and cruel." 

     "Ugh, you sound like a writer right now. How are you so annoying when you're just talking? I genuinly don't understand." Ow. That hurt. Jesus Christ. "But yeah, you're right. I think your Mom was under a spell. I thought it could have been a changling for a second, but there would have been other tells. From what you've described, it was probably a mind control spell, or something like that." 

     "Alright. So is my Mom actually dead-dead?" I asked, and dread started to coat my bones. Shit. This wasn't funny anymore. 

      "She's only dead. Not dead dead." Owen smirked, and when I looked at him with confusion, he rolled his eyes. "I'm making a joke. Like, making fun of you? Whatever. But no. The mind control spell works in a really intresting way. It's kind of like a virus. It takes ahold of all of you, bones, orgins, all." 

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