Chapter Six

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I'm the baby of the group. Everyone was a year older than me, yes, and also a grade older than me. But I proved myself I was as mature as them. Probably even more mature. But still, they treated me like a little baby. And yeah, the coddling was fun sometimes. "Oh, of course you can have half my popcorn." Stuff like that. But then it turned into them all treating me like I'm delicate. LIke I'm so incredibly breakable I can't hear the heavy stuff. Like stuff about Hudson. I don't know. Fuck this bullshit.

Maybe I'm being overly sensetive.

If you read my last book, dear reader, then you know I hate Lex. With a burning passion. I used to like them and than shit happened and we don't need to get into it. But I hate them, so, so fucking much. It's fun. So yes. The back and forth of Lex and I was special. Sometimes, we would go months and not speak for eachother. It was incredible. And then, all of a sudden, we would like hate eachother and go back and forth with petty little arugments and snip at eachother and then yes. It was so, so, so, fun.

So anyway, Lex. They were hanging out with Owen. And I wanted them away from Owen, so I could talk to Owen and bask in his presense like a plant photosynthesising. Only, they would not go away.

"Hey, Owen. You want some candy?" I asked quietly, praying Lex didn't hear me. If Lex didn't hear me, then I would be left alone.

"Sure." Owen replied, barely looking up from his phone. I put the candy in his hand and walked away. Mission accomplished. No reason to stay. But then I heard this.

"Hey Owen, can I have some candy?" Lex mocked, in a high pitch voice. I turned around, and tried to put on my most apathetic face.

"Do you have something you wanna tell me, Lex?" I asked.

"Guys, don't-" Owen said, but I wouldn't listen to him. Not going with this bullshit. Fuck Lex.

"Dude, you follow Owen around like a fucking puppy," Lex said. I debated stepping towards them, but thought against it. That would just validate their point that they might feel physically threatened, and therefore justified to physically attack me. Not going to do that.

"He's my friend." I said defiently. I couldn't count on Owen for this one. Him and Lex were best friends. He was going to side with Lex, no matter what.

"He's not your friend. He doesn't even like you." Lex said. Did it hurt to hear out loud, even though I say it to myself basically ever night? Yes. But still.

"Fuck you, Lex." I said, heat starting to flare up into my cheeks. "Fuck you for doing and saying and-"

"Go cry about it to Taylor or something. I don't care. We don't care. You just sound like a fucking child." Lex replied. They were completely poker-faced. That's when I lost it. I raised my hand to slap them, but they caught my hand with their telekenisis. Oh yeah. Lex was a Winglet. And probably longer than me. Fuckkkk.

"Oh, Felix is getting spicy now?" They said, and rasied their eyebrows. I tried to back away. It was a tactical retreat. But Lex wasn't having it. Owen had gone silent. There. Was. No. Saving. Me. Now. I had dug myself into a hole and there was no way, no fucking way to get out of this. Please, come to my funeral. I beg of you. See me, even though all that will be left are a few chared bits from Lex absolutely annhilating me. I hated them.

"Lex. Please. It's not worth it." Owen said. Was there some hope?

"Nah," They said, laughing and licking their lips. "Little bitch need to know who's in charge. You've only had this for what, 4 months. Try 3 years. Just because you're some little Celestial whore doesn't mean you get to walk around like your better than everyone else, alright?"

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