Chapter Nine

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        "Where's your little friend?" Mr. Williams asked, his eyebrows raised. My heart froze for a second, thinking he meant Asmodeus. Mr. Williams was a bitter older man, who I didn't really like. He also had some sort of vendetta against me. Probably because I could grow hair and he couldn't. Also because I looked good in a buzzcut. 

        "Who?" I asked, trying to keep my cool. It's not like Mr. Williams knew. He's a grownup. And a mean grownup. And plus, I've barely ever let the little friends out at school unless it was perfectly- 

      Shit. I had let it out more than once. FUCK!

       "The so called Doctor that continues to follow you around insufferably." Mr. Williams drawled. Oh. Yeah. Fuck Mr. Williams. "What's his name again?" And the transphobia rears his ugly head again. Dr Salliman has told Mr. Williams multiple times, but he refuses to get it correct. He's kinda an ass. 

      "Dr. Salliman is taking a day off. They have a medical degree, and they have earned all the days off they would want." I shot back. That was kind of a lie. Dr. Salliman was spending part of the day reviewing a lot of medical stuff. Plus, JESUS the months they've had to spend with me. Which was more like two or three months because I've had my wings for five months so yeah. But yes. 

      "Yes, yes. Of course. The medical doctor with delusion sense of identity. What a wonderful world of healthcare." Mr. Williams walked away and rolled his eyes, to begin his lesson. 

      "Whatever." I muttered, and walked over to my perfectly placed seat. "Does he have a certain problem with the world today, or is it just me he hates with a fiery passion."

      "It's the gay." Madeline, who was sitting behind me said, nodding reverantly. 

       "Or the loud." Juli, who was placed on one side of me, added. 

       "Or litterally, everything." Ginger piped from the front of me. 

      Ah yes, my 9th grade friend group. Was I closer to them? No. But they didn't mess with my anxiety or make me feel like a peice of shit and didn't remind me of some of the most truamatic memories of my life. And I liked them so, so, so, much. 

       I'm not going to list them off, just cause there are like 10, so yeah. But I do love them with some of my entire heart. And this, even though it was the worst class in the entire universe, 90% of my friend group was here. SOOO YEAH! 

        "You are all so mean. The most mean." I said, and rummaged through my bag. "What's up with you people?" 

        "Not much." Van said from the other side of me, while Elizabeth, who was diagnol watched Mr. Williams like a hawk to make sure he wouldn't go through the door before it was perfectly time for class. 

      A word about Van, he's incredible. He's kind, and his pretty, and his smile makes me forget about all my anxiety with Owen and he's just so AMAZING. He'll let me hold him and hug him and lay on his lap and it's great. And yeah, I do that with other friends, but it's better when Van does it. 

       "Where didja disappear off to during lunch?" Madeline asked, an eyebrow raised, her chin resting on her hands. "Last I saw, which wasn't much, was Lex pulling you through the doorway and Owen following you, like death would follow his unsuspecting victims."

        "That's so....." I blinked "beautiful. Nah, we just went to the back of Math and Science and had a little chat there." 

        "Felix." Ginger muttered through her teeth. She does that when she has something to say about Owen or Lex or someone I have a crush on. 

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