Chapter Twenty-Four

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       "Hes going to be fine." I heard someone mutter. "He passes out almost everyday. Felix is tough, and this is a simple spell. My guess is his brain isn't used to a lot of magic because his is still developing, and it keeps getting bombarded with it over and over. He's getting better, but still pretty common, so don't worry." 

      "I still believe that we should just check on him. Also, if his brain isn't used to all that magic at this point, we may have to check up on that as well." Someone else replied. 

        I blinked my eyes open, and the first thing to fill my vision was the ceiling of a cave, stalagmites with little balls of wrapped hugged to them. What was I doing on the floor again? Ah yes. Something do to with magic. I couldn't seem to move my body around, but I knew that another body, probably Eddie, was laying next to me, slightly on top of my arm. But that was okay. 

      The Court was kind of scary. There was always I weird tension between them, that made everyone want to tiptoe around them. They didn't even seem special or all powerful. It almost seemed like they were just put on this pedestal and told they were special, but not why. Or how. Strange.

       Alright. So I got a thing called a blessing, which I have absolutely no idea what that meant. I visited the Court. Eddie, Zia, Griffin, and Owen were here. I had cloaked my thoughts, so it was okay, so know one would know I was a Crow, which was good. I had a little bit of a heart attack when I thought about that at first. I can't move, and my whole body felt tingly. Like everything had fallen asleep and then waken up. Pins and needles, with discomfort, but not the point where it was painful.

      "I think he's waking up. Yo, Felix, dipshit, can you say anything?" Griffin asked, and nudged my head with his foot. I glared at him, and curled my fingers away until I was flicking him off. I couldn't lift my arm to show him, but I think he got the message. If Griffin was swearing, I think that it would be okay if the momentairly paralized 14 year old lying on the ground would be fine to flick off a person I don't even think the Court likes. 

     "Please don't kick my fledgling in the head while he can't move, Griffin." Owen said, and rolled his eyes. A blur of pink hair moved in the corner of my eye, and I heard Zia's voice. 

      "Eddie, can you move your legs yet?" She asked quietly. Being near the Court made her nervous. I felt kind of bad about that. Her accent had mostly gone away. She had been placed in Britian for an assignment, assigned by the Court, and while she was there she had picked up on certain vowel sounds, making some words sound funny. It got worse as she got stressed. 

       "No, not really. In a few minutes though, probably." Eddie said. It's voice sounded slurred, like their mouth had gotten numbed. Ehh.... I wasn't excited for that. "Can you tell Felix that if he could move his fingers around, the next thing will be his feet and then his forearms?" 

      "I'm pretty sure he can hear you, but that's very kind of you at ask." Hermes said. 

      "I think we should call a healer in. It's been over 10 minutes and neither of them can really move. This isn't good. Owen, can you call-" Zia started, but two voices interupted her. 

      "I don't know any healers." Owen, who was the first voice, said, too quickly for him to seem innocent, but with enough confidence so he wouldn't be questioned. Even though he did. But.... it was complicated. 

      "You can't call a healer. It'll mess up the whole process. We need for the shield to settle into the skin. Sometimes it'll take longer, if the persons body isn't accepting of the shield. But no one ever gets hurt from it. I can swear on the Gods above and the kingdom of the Greats that they will not get hurt." Hestia said. Shield? What shield? What did they mean?! I tried to struggle, but my arms and legs still refused to move. I felt the tingling on my mouth die down a little bit, and I tried for form some words. It didn't work. My toung didn't work well. Ugh. Why can't this just stop. I laid still for a few minutes, waiting for my body to start working again, listening to the rest of the cave. 

      "Zia. How's your family doing?" Claria asked, quietly. "I understand you must be taking their loss seriously, but I'm proud of you for still keeping with your duties of a guardian. I'm sorry that we had to suspend your missions, but-" 

       "Please. Don't talk to me in your guardian voice, Claria. My parents are dead, my brothers are on the run, and Zain is just.... Zain is actually insane. Pretty much dead." Zain..... I wish Zain was here. They could pick me up and tell me everything was okay. "You're a Courtress now, alright. Just leave us alone. Leave me alone." The whole Court must have tuned out their conversation, because no one was looking at them, or commenting on what they were talking about. There was a whole new different level of softness and caring in both of their voics I had never heard before. 

       "I- I'm sorry. I'm sorry Zia. But I can't leave you like this. You're in pain and I want to help. I still care about you, even if-" Claria tried again. I lifted my head up slightly, just so I could see them a little better. She was playing with her hair, which suprisingly matched Zias. 

      "Stop. I'm going to lift the charm now, just in case we need to talk to anyone. I'll text you later. But now is a horrible time. So please. Stop it and let me deal with it." Zia said, and turned away. Oh. Charm? I don't know. But one thing I did know was that the tingling had died down in my upper-half, so I tried to sit up. 

       "Damn. He's awake. How you feeling dude?" Owen asked, and looked at me. "We're gonna get you out of here as soon as you get feeling in your whole body again. I know that I said we would be training the whole weekend, but I think that you should just chill with Caitlin for a little bit." I wanted to sigh in releif, but I knew that if I said anything it would just be a weird noise. I gave Owen a thumbs up, and the motioned to him that I wasn't going to speak. 

       "How do you feel, child?" The older lady asked. "If you don't walk to talk, then it's understandable. Do you still feel tingly, or is it just some places." I held up a two, and then pointed to my lower half. "Can you try to talk? Just say anything." 

      "Don't make him talk. It might not be about the spell. When he gets overstimulated he doesn't talk, and the spell is very stimulating." The red-head said. 

      "Of course. Sensetive. I forgot about how this newer generation was. Anyway, let's get them out of here as soon as possible. I can't listen to how the rest of you baby them anymore. Especically Hephestaus." Dion said. Ew. I hated him. "Ugh, I need a drink. I'll see all of you tommorow. I'm leaving for today." He snapped his fingers and shimmered away. Oh..... ew. I hated him a lot. 

      "Don't.... don't worry about him." Gaea said, and pinched the bride of her nose. "Dion gets like this sometimes. He has a cold heart, and probably won't open up to you. But it'll all be okay. You don't need for him to like you. We only need for you to be safe, and that's it." 

      "Thank you for that. Anyway, now that Felix is like, fucking concious, can you explain what the blessing is? Like, what the fuck you did to their bodies?" Griffin said. I was suprised he was this adjitated here. It was a little scary. When Griffin gets angry, normally he just gets quiet. But now he was just lashing out. 

      "Alright. That would be helpful." Hephestaus said, unphased. "Alright. Okay. So. You know the story of Achillies? Well, Achillies was actually a strong Let. He studied a lot of magics, and mostly spells. He wrote a spell book, and it's one of our sacred books. One of those spells is a protection spell he did on himself. It's one of the most powerful spells in the book, and we decided that you two needed it." He paused, and looked me dead in the eyes. "Technically, only you, Felix. But since you and Eddie and linked, we decided to do it on both of you. Well, now you can't be hurt. If someone who means to touch you with ill intent, then they won't be able to. Does that make sense?" 

      "Yeah. So do we have a blind spot now? Or like, a spot to kill us?" Eddie asked, and his eyes flitted over to me. 

      "Yes, now you do." 

      "Oh... where?" 

       "That's not for you to know yet, alright. Anyway, it's time for you to go now. Let's go to bed." Owen grabbed my hand, clearly fed up with the rest of the people we were with. "I'm going to teleport you home now. Griffin, you know where to take Eddie and Zia." 

      "Goodbye, Owen. Thank you for all you've done." He bowed to all of the Court people, and teleported away without a second thought.

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