Chapter Four

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"Just......let me get this straight." Dr. Salliman said in a voice that made me want to barf, driving me home. "You do a weird Crowboy Jedi mind trick thing, let some voice in your brain take control over your body, and then Abaddon comes out, and you are escorted off the grounds of the school and held in a containment center until your parents would come and get you. Only, you're not a legacy, so you instead call me, and then I had to explain that you did not mean to kill anyone, you just simply lost control of your abilities. And then you refuse to go back to class, so you sit in my office doing homework for the rest of school, and now here we are."

I snapped my fingers. "Exactly." And Dr. Salliman had basically summarized everything that happened. After that little funky situation with Abaddon, Mentor Avis had marched me over to a couple other Mentors, and then put me in some sort of solitary confinment chamber. And then they were trying to call my parents, so I had to calmly (I was not calm) explain to them I was not in fact a legacy, which is of course such a scandal, so I had to endure conversations about that. Once I finally got through to their tiny brains, I told the Mentors about Dr. Salliman, who was alerted immediatly. They explained everything to Dr. Salliman, who then told the Mentors that I was suffering from my great medical accident and I lost control of my powers, so I would never consciously hurt anyone, and no I will not need to have any pills or medication to control my powers and make me into a brain dead zombies because I'm just so unbelivable. After that, the Doctor decided it would be better for me to stay in they're office and just color and do homework. A wonderful arrangement!

"This doesn't mean that I'm never going to let you miss school again." The Doctor said, and glared at me in the rearveiw mirror. My punishment for missing school. Which I think, was more of a punishment for me than they realized. Evil.

"I know. But it does me that I got to miss school now, SO FUCK YEAH!"

"HEY!" They yelled, and did a sharp turn. . "You'll get kicked out of Celestial with that mouth." Ah yes. The hard no swearing room came back into full action. So much fun. But I snorted anyway.

Sometimes I forget that the Doctor is actually like 30 years old. They look young, and the kids in my grade have openly told me they they think they're cute. So, sometimes it feels like they're operating on the same wavelength. They're autistic so they understand a bunch of the sensation stuff. But then sometimes, they acted like I was just being sensitive. It's like some of the children I interact with and seemed like the most FUCKING NEUROTYPICAL neurodivergent. So irritating.

"I've heard much, much worse. Trust me." Kids have also done much, much worse. The amount of times I've almost had a heart attack because some dumb kid thought it would be funny to take a hit in class or in the middle of the fucking hallway. Which is the same kind of bullshit that I might pull at my school. Because I'm a genuinely really really fucked up.

"That doesn't mean that you have to say stuff like it. Just be good. Please." Like Dr. Salliman was on their fucking knees begging me to just behave and be nice. God fucking damn shit.

"I'm a good kid. I swear." I said quietly to myself. "Are you going to go to school with me tomorrow?" I asked Dr. Salliman. Because today is Sunday, I have normal school tomorrow, filled people. And then, I go to night classes AT CHS for three hours. Giving me exactly 6 hours of sleep a night. Perfect. And people wonder why I'm not firing on full cylinders.

"No. You don't need me there. Plus you don't seem to want me there anyway. I do need to talk to your parents about what happened today though." Dr. Salliman said and looked at me through the rear view mirror. I groaned and hit my lap like a child.


"Felix there is no reason or realistic reason for her to be angry at you. She just cares about you. There is nothing to be afraid of."

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