Chapter Forty Four

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       "GOOD MORNING!" Salliman announced, and flung the curtains open. "THE SUN IS AWAKE, AND SO SHOULD YOU! SCHOOL TIME! YOU CAN'T AVOID IT! NO MATTER WHAT YOU SAY! SO, OUT OF BED! GO GO GO, UP AND AWAKE! THE DAY IS READY FOR YOU SO YOU CAN DO IT A FAVOR AND BE READY FOR IT!" I tried to stare at them, but the sun decided to stab my eyes in the most agressive manner possible. Fuck the sun. I wish my magic was light so I could turn the light back into the sun and hurts its eyes instead of mine. 

        "I really don't think that it's appropriate to send me to school. A school for magic. And I am losing all of my magic. Remember. Magic turns into goop and it oozes out of me." My morning voice was gravely and vibrated in my throat. My mouth felt like it smelled bad. 

       "Oh, stop moping. You'll be fine. Just don't get hurt and it won't bleed out of you. By the way, it isn't goop. It's offical term is ink. I don't know why, because there are only two people who we know for sure have experienced it, and one of them is dead, and another is you. I don't think either of those sources are filled with the knowldedge we need. But I digress." Salliman countered back, and pulled the covers off of me. I hissed at them, and curled into the feeb;e position. "Anyway, get up. Right now."

       "This is cruel and unusual punishment. A breech of some sort of amendment. You should be fired and put in jail. You're lucky the death penalty is still a valid form of punishment. Otherwise, boom, straight to the electric chair. Or even the poison or whatever to the veins. BAM! Dead. That's why you're lucky." 

        "I have absolutely no idea why that's relevant, and it really just sounds like nonsense. Human nonsense. Are you going human on me Aseago?" Salliman smiled, and I started to get out of bed. I yawned, and the disgusting taste in the back of my throat got worse. Maybe bad breath gets worse whenever I bleed out goo. Sorry, ink, if you want to be fancy like Salliman. 

        "That sounds like a slur. Maybe you're just calling me slurs. I don't appreciate that. Maybe I'll cancel you. I'll cancel you on thank you very much." I shot back. "I'll human you under the table, bitch." 

       "Is canceling someone killing someone? Cause that's what it sounds like. Wow. Humans really are creatures of mass destruction. And Twitter sounds like a machiene gun. You'll kill me with a machiene gun? That sounds horrible. Thank you very much for putting that into my brain. I appreciate that so much. Straight to the psych-ward for you!" 

       "As much as I love this banter, do I really have to go school? Cause I really don't want to use magic for random things that aren't important and waste it what little magic I have left." I asked. I sat up on my bed, and Salliman stared at me, and then sat down. The crater that they made in the bed sucked me closer to them. 

      "I know that last night was a lot. And I know you're probably scared. But it's going to be more suspicious if you don't go to school than if you do. And were you seriously going to stay inside and never use your magic until the Court removes the blessing? That might take years. You don't have years to hide inside. You just have to be more careful. So, you know, don't do horrible things that are going to destroy your body. Don't self-harm, not smoke, don't pick fights or make bad descisons that are going to result in your wings being torn out again." They bumped into my shoulder, and held their fist out. "So, are you going to ignore everything I said and go do stupid things at school, or are you going to actually make good choices and try to be safe?" 

     I bumped their fist. "I'm going to be as safe as I can and not make horrible descisions, and I'm not going too sit inside forever and wait for my magic to be gone from my body, because you told me not to." A swat to the back of my head. "NOT BECAUSE YOU SAID SO! Because I want to be safe. And I know that you know what is best for me, and I want to outgrow having to have a personal assistant." One more almost swat to the head, but I dodged it. "Fine! Not a personal assistant! A nurse doctor person. One that is really cool and really awesome. But eventually I'll get healthy enough to just chill with you? Also, weren't you also a hospice nurse? You were originally just waiting for me to die, get a big fat pay-check, and-"

        "Enough of these big touchy feels. You're going to school. And at school there will be no mishaps whatsoever." They promplty walked out of the room, and I sat there, on my bed. Just sitting there. Wow. My brain is melting. Losing it. 

        I stripped down, took a breath, and inspected my body. I didn't like seeing me naked. Ever. It was just a thing. I hated seeing myself naked cause it felt wring and it made me uncomfortable and I don't know why people would do it. 

      I wish that Edwards gift hadn't worn off. I miss my purple hair a little bit. I miss the flat chest and the deep voice and a penis. It was really cool when it was happening, but now that it's gone, I'm only more sure that I'm trans.

      I looked at my naked body in my mirror. There weren't any scars from the ink. No weird colorings. My veins had become normal again. I didn't see any sort of marks. It would have been kind of cool to have something that looked like a lightning strike on my back. Would have made swim practice badass. 

       Inspection was over. Now it was time to clothe myself. Oh thank god. No more tits and hips and lack of penis. I needed to start packing again. I hadn't for a while because I just forgot to in the morning, but I'm going to do it this morning. It'll make today slightly more bareable. 

        I'm trying to make this second book more relevant and less ranty about random shit. But, to be fair, you were the one who decided to read again. 

       I got changed, and walked downstaires. My eyes naturally avoided the chair last night. And the knife from last night. And the stains of ink on the floor from last night. 

      On the counter by the dinner table, a pot of coffee was already made. Salliman is a saint. An invisible saint, for that matter. They were currently nowhere to be seen, but there were obvious traces of their existance. The contents of their man purse was emptied onto one of the tables, while peices of toast and butter was left here and there. Very much un-Salliman like. I really hope that they're okay. They do so much to help me. But now I mean, I can help them. I walked over to the toaster and saw a note, written in their handwriting. 

          Emergency at work- It read. I'll be home as soon as I can. Please get a ride or teleport to school. DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT STAYING HOME! Dammit. I was going to have to use my magic. To be fair, everyone can teleport. But it was still magic that I didn't have to use and really didn't want to lose. 

     But I think I had to. I looked at the clock. 8:30. Alright, so I still had a little time. I poured myself a cup of coffee, and it landed on my hand, scalding it ever so slightly. So I don't think that the gods that created us wanted me to have a great day, but by this day, it was guranteed I would have at least an alright day. 

     My toast came out burnt, and the butter wasn't spreading properly. Maybe it wasn't going to be an alright day, but it defenitly wasn't going to be terrible. 

       I walked out the door, still a smile persisting on my face. I grabbed my notebook with all of the words that I found and liked inside it. We didn't use backpacks at Celenian, but I still liked to bring my notebook sometimes. 

       I looked at the first word on there, with a hole page dedicated it. Liztomania. What a beautiful word. It means being unable to live without listening to music, or needing to listen to music all the time. It started as the word for the craze of Henry Litz, who was a pianist in the 17th century. He was constantly fan-girled over, and was getting mobbed a crazy ton. It's so cool. 

     You know what? I think it's going to be a pretty cool day. 

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