Chapter Twenty-Two

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      Canoeing. That's what Owen and Zia and Griffin had in mind for training. Canoeing for hours, in the rain, and only eating tortillas. The best part? Griffin and Zia and Owen spent the entire time dry, because they got to use force fields, and Eddie and I weren't allowed to for whatever fucking reason. Everytime that I asked where we were going, or why we were going there in a FUCKING CANOE, they all just laughed and said "Trust me, it'll be fine. You'll really enjoy where you're going." Eddie and I were whispering to eachother how to leave. It was great. 

       Eventually, we reached a sort of cave place. It was cold and wet, and kind of exactly the last place Eddie and I wanted to be right now, but you know what, fuck that, I'm gonna just deal with it. 

       At one point, Owen turned around and pulled me aside. We had been walking in a cave for a while now, and the only keeping us moving was the promise that we would be at our destination soon. 

        "Hey, I have to talk to Felix for a second. Go ahead of us, and we'll catch up." Zia shot Owen a strange look, but Griffin just moved her along with Eddie. 

        "You know that you're a Crow. Or, the Crow. You're aware of it. Well, we're going to the Court. As new traning Celestials, it's mandatory. And you can't, and I mean can't, let them get inside your head. I want you to put the mental block thing that you'll do to me on occasional to make sure they can't read your mind. Because they will kill you without a second thought." 

      "I-" I said, and shut my mouth. How the acutal fuck did he want me to respond to that? Cool? Awesome? I did put the charm on my thoughts though. It was simple, just imagine that a black mist sinks into your brain and it mostly works. 

       "Good. Right now all I can feel are your emotion spikes. Now, I need to give you a breif run-down of what the Court is. You know they're our legal system in the Alt world. There are seven right now. Each of them overlook a different like.... situation or peice of legal stuff. You refer to them as either Count or Courtress, which I know isn't proper in English, but just roll with it. Please. Your life depends on it, and I really don't want to deal with the friend group if you die, alright?" A smile tinged his lips, but heart was beating really fast. My palms were sweaty, and I whipped them on the material of my new suit, which had kept me mostly dry for this horrible expedition. 

        "Yeah. Alright. But you'll get me out of there if you think I'm in danger, right? Please?"I tried to be the most pleading creature that could ever exsist. Owen sighed and dropped his eyes, and rubbed the back of his neck. 

        "I know you want me to protect you, but I really don't know if I can in this situation. These are people that could litteraly kill me. One of the people in there is in charge of the little chips in our head. But I promise, I will try my hardest to keep you out of any conversations that I think will put you in danger. I can't give you anything past that, and I'm sorry about that. Do you need a second, or do you think you can catch up with the others at this point?" 

       "I can catch up." I said, and then hugged Owen. He squeezed me back, but the hug was quick. He moved me up the cave, and a few minutes later I met up with the others. 

      "We're here." Griffin said solemly. Everyone but Owen looked really shaken up, especially Zia. I could expect she would be scared, with everything that had happened in the past few months. Griffins eyes kept darting to Eddie and me, a worried expression plastered on his face. Eddie looked fine itself, but I think it was picking up on the energy of the group, making them nervous.

       We were at a stone ending in the passage way, which Owen carefully avoided, and with his body language seemed to guard it. It looked normal enough, except for the fact that occasionally, little bits on the wall sparkled and lit up like diamonds.  

      "Y'all ready?" Owen asked, and we all nodded, our mouths glued together with fear. "They're people. Just treat them like people."

       "People that hold the key the the universe in their palms, and run the entire world of magic and are eons older and wiser than us that could kill us at any second." Eddie pipped up, and Zia gave them a look, similar to the one that Owen would give me from time to time. 

       "Just stay calm. And treat them with respect, as long as treating them as people. I talk with these people on a weekily basis. It'll be fine." He knocked on the wall. At first, nothing happened, but then a low, ear-shattering groan echoed throught the cave. My ears twitched, and flattened against my head. I guess they had turned into wolf ears. Eddie looked even worse, because I think it's main magic is Fanglet. The stone wall moved, and a new room appeared. 

        It looked like a hobbit hole. But much more high-tech. There were four people I could see from where I was standing. 

      One of them, maybe a 20 year old in a beanie and what looked like hiking clothes was standing over a 3D map of a mountain. He looked up and smiled, nodded to Owen, and then went back down to studing the map. 

     An older woman who was drenched in jewels was sitting in a chair, just writing and talking to herself, in her own world, not noticing us. I respect it. 

       The other person was another woman, but very young. Younger than me, probably. She looked around eight, and was reading a book and just chilling. When she looked up at us, she smiled and walked over. 

      "Courtress Hestia." Owen said, and bowed. Zia and Griffin followed in the same fashion. The Courtress walked over to Eddie and I and held out her hands. 

        "Do not be afraid, children. Its proper fashion to bow to an elder, but I undrestand you may be confused." She blinked, and her brown eyes glowed red for a moment, and she grew into a 30 something year old woman. It took me a moment to recongize her as a shape-shifter.

       "Is this like, a Percy Jackson reference?" I asked, after I had bowed to her. "Hestia looks like a child, but is actually millions upon billions of years old. Are you a god?" 

       "Felix." Owen said, and almost slapped me in the back of my head. I caught it with my telekenisis, but just barely enough so that I could still feel the wind of the force of the stike in my ears. Damn, I guess my telekenisis was getting stronger. Yayyyy. But Courtress Hestia just laughed, drawing the attention of the man looking at the map. 

          "No, I have been around for much longer than Percy Jackson. Only the younger generation has both the nerve and the courage to bring it up to me." She smiled, signaling there was no harm done. Eddie stayed frozen, until I elbowed it to bow. They looked around, disoriented, until finally they bowed down.

       "How new are they?" The man asked, appearing behind Hestia. "The taller one has their pheromones and thoughts blocked, and the smaller one doesn't seem to have their pheromones fully developed, so I have to guess newer than should be in here." 

       "Kingston.... please. They just got here. Don't start with this." Hestia sighed like she wanted Kingston just leave. Kingston seemed to have alterior motives. I think he wanted to impress her, which was kind of gross cause I guess she looked like an eight year old most of the time. 

      "They're here for the blessing." The older woman said, and got out of her chair. She had gray hair, and was drapped in jewels and things that sparkled when they touched the low light of the cavern. The lighting was dull, but enough to illuminate all her best features. I couldn't guess her age, seeing as most of the time decsiption shadows age in this world. "Be kind to them. Kingston, go alert the others and stop harassing Hestia. She doesn't enjoy your advances and you know it." Kingston shurgged, like this was a daily occurence. I think the Court needed some sort of like, group therapy session. "Now, to whom do I owe the pleasure of meeting today? Two young new Celestials." 

      "My.. my name is Felix." I sputtered out. This woman made me nervous. Not because she seemed dangerous. She seemed loving. And caring. Like my Mama. 

      "I'm Eddie." Eddie said, without stalling or tripping over its words. 

      "Excellent. Now, come, and Kingston will gather the others. We have a lot to do today, and I'm quite excited." 

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