Chapter Twelve

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When Dr. Salliman found me, I was running into their car, tears streaming down my face. I ran into the car, and slammed the door as hard as I could, which normally Dr. Salliman hated, but this time they just turned around and assesed me. They were normally fine with a mid level panic, but something like this they left alone. I moved over to the side of the door, and curled into the feeble position. Tears fell down my face and my breathing sped up faster and faster until I was barely holding onto air anymore. I can't think. Fuck.

By the time I had gotten home, it had just ended up getting worse. Dr. Salliman had teleported me into my bed room, and I crawled into bed. Fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck. I'm not crying. You're crying.

While I tried to sleep, I just tossed and turned. It didn't work. My brain wasn't good. God dammit. Okay. I could work on that. I wasn't going to do something dumb. Just think and do better. Think about what went well. That will be good. Breaths, Felix. Breaths and breaths and more breaths. In and out. In and out. Everything would be okay. It's time to sleep.

For once, I got up at a normal time, after a normal amount of sleep. That was abnormal. Weird. I got up, and did my normal rountine to get ready for school. The house was silent. Creepily silent. Mama and Lennon weren't awake, I guess. I walked down staires, and made a cup of coffee as quiet as a could. When I turned around, I dropped my mug, and the glass shattered and spread everywhere.

On the coffee table, Edward sat, calmly, and stirred around a spoon in a mug similar to the one that now lay in peices on the floor. He was an old man, with a long gray beard and hair. He was wrinkly, but instead of his gray eyes being kind and respectful and all-knowing, he looked worried. Stressed.

"What are you doing in my house?" I whisper-yelled, and ran my fingers through my wet hair. "My family is still asleep! Do you know how scared they'll be when they see a strange man in our kitchen!"

"You're not in your house, Felix." Edward replied calmly.

"Oh, of course I'm not. What, am I dreaming or something?!" My answer was silence. "Jesus fucking christ. And I'm not even going to get started with you. You lied to me?! I'm FUCKING CRAZY!?! YOU'RE FUCKING CRAZY!?!"

"I didn't lie, because you never asked, my child." He tried to get up and walk towards me, but I backed away.

"Do not. Touch me. I'm going to either cry or have a panic attack or hit you or hit myself and I don't want to do any of those, so please, give me a second." Edward stepped away, and gave me some space, as I slowly sank to the ground. In and out, Felix. Inhale. Exhale. It's okay.

"I apologize for not telling you. It was wrong of me, yes. But the others agreed that you weren't stable enough to hear it this early in your development. Do you understand my point of veiw?" I took a shaky breath, and nodded. It was all okay. Actually, no it wasn't. But I wasn't going to wig out in front of Edward. I had to prove I was worthy of being a Crow. Wait. No. I don't want that. Being a Crow is horrible. I'm going to die if anyone figures it out. Oh, fuck me.

"I-I underst-I understan- understand." I forced out. Okay. I could do this.

"I know you told Dr. Salliman and Owen. Did that stress you out after you learned you could be kiled because you told them both?" The wrinkles in his forehead deepened. This was a test.

"Yes, of course it fucking STRESSED ME- stressed me- stressed me out. I'm calm, I promise." Edward raised an eyebrow.

"My child. You're aware that it is okay to be stressed, you know?" The tone he said it in..... It was unlike the voice that my therapist would use to tell me that it was alright to have feelings. Then it clicked.

"Don't you.....control the part of my brain that makes good decisions. This was your fault!"

"Yes, well, no, actually, so, well but I-"

"How did you know that was a good idea? How did you determine what would-"

"I don't trust Owen for you." Edward said, cutting me off. "I don't think he's a good person, nor a good-"

"You didn't answer my question."

"And you are not the one in control, Felix. You are the one with the body but you have less experience and not you are not wise enough and you can barely even muster up a will to live without help from Varrissa." He looked at me, dead in the eyes. Cold.

"That was out of line." I raised my eyes to his.

"That was something that you needed to hear. I am your elder. You may have a body, and you have a right to be a imbecile teenager, but you cannot ruin your life because of the chemical imbalance in your brain. We don't control you, we can guide you. I chose Owen for you to tell because he is your guardian, and he has ties with the family of the last Crow. Does that answer your question?" Edward said, and kept his gaze tightly on mine. Oh yeah. This was defenitly a test. But I don't know if I passed. Tricky.

"Yes, sir." I said.

"You need not to call me sir, little one. I may be firm. But I am not a sir. Now, sleep, my child. We all want you to have a good day. We all care. More than you know." He bent down and kissed me on the forhead. "I hope you enjoy your gifts. I personally didn't think that you would want it, but Varrissa and Zachariah and Max insisted that it was great. And they're not perminent. They'll last for around two days. It might be scary at first, but don't panic, little one."

"What gifts do you mean?" I murmered, but everything turned blurry. Sleepy. "Please, don't make it dumb. Why would I freak out?!" But knowing the little voices in my head, it's probably really really horrible.

I woke up and rubbed sleep from my eyes. Mama and Lennon were yelling downstaires. The smell of burnt waffeles wafter up to my room, which was looking normal and average. Good good. Nothing looked to be tampered in, and nothing was moved or a different color. Oh thank God.

Nothing felt that bad physically. I mean, I didn't have a fish tail or a weird strange thing growing out of my stomach. That was a plus side. That was all good. So, you know, good.

I got up and stretcher. My joints popped, and I yawned. My voice sounded deeper. That made me happy. Euphoria! Yay! I must have grown over night. That's so cool. All of this euphoria, I might explode! Ahhhh.

And that was when I got my suprise. Edward, for reasons unknown for me, had decided to make my hair a bright purple. Bright purple. Jesus christ. I almost screamed. FUCK! MAMA IS GOING TO KILL ME! NOOOOOOO! I mean, it looked good. Well done, even the roots, and not clunky. It flowed really well. BUT STILL! AHHHHHHHHHHH!

Well, that was..... going to be so fun to explain to Mama. How I went to bed with normal brown hair and then all of a sudden I now have PURPLE HAIR! That's going to be so fun and so awesome. Defenitly not bad at all.

Mama might not actually care so much. It would probably be Papa that would be angry, but he wouldn't freak out with the sudden change. Mama used to be a hair stylist, but she wouldn't ever let me color my hair. It took a lot of convincing for my trade mark green. She would probably just think that I spray painted it all over again. Yeah.

I stripped down, and studied myself in the mirror for the weekly inspection. That sounds kind of weird, but still. My face looked kind of weird, so yeah. I must have grown into my face a little more, That's sad. I liked how I looked like a little kid. My throat buldged, like I had just eaten a salamander. Ribs, looked nice. Sticky outy, and I had like 6 showing. And my stomach looked super flat so that was good.

Boobs had.....flatnned out, which was weird. Nipples shrunk. I'm not really sure. This is euphoric, yes, but like, oddly strange they new it would make me happy. A little creepy.

The real shock was when I pulled down my boxers. I must have zoned out, so I didn't really notice until I got in the shower.

"OH FUCKING HELL!" I screamed. Because Edward had given me a dick.

Edward told me into a cis guy.

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