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~ Love and electricity are one in the same, my dear. If you do not feel the jolt in your soul every time a kiss is shared, a whisper is spoken, or a touch is felt, then you are not really in love at all. ~

Muna's POV

Every Friday, Muna had to show up in her green khaki pants and white tees to the charity group for community service, which is a mandatory weekly duty for all serving corps members.

Muna, who was always interested in the unusual, took a fancy trip all the way to the back staircase, which was always lonely and dimly lit, but she liked the solitude.

Having friends hadn't been her forte, even though people loved being around her. It wasn't a vice versa thing for her because she hardly met anyone interested in things that she was into.

She was weird but in a cool way. She was sitting on the 8th stair on the staircase of the third floor of the building where they met up for their meetings, with her airpods on and her elbows resting on the stair right behind the one she sat on, while her eyes roamed over the crowded hall.

Corps members were everywhere, some sitting, many standing, in twos and threes, and a few alone but the hall was extremely stuffy and needed decongesting asap.

Then she spotted her.

One look.

It took just one look and even though Dido's Thank You was still playing, it took one look for Muna to tune out the music playing into her ears and all her focus was on this tall, dark, sulky-looking girl, who was holding a discussion with two other corps members who seemed to be worried about something.

She had a striking height, which really made her stand out, with a build that made you want to move out of her way if she was heading in your direction.

But she was pretty in her own way and cute. Her khakis and whit tee hugged her body so seamlessly. Her white tee was tucked into her khakis, not so neatly, but with the flight of stairs that separated the ground floor and the third floor where the meetings were held, one would expect a tucked-in tee to not be so tucked in.

Yet she still managed to look somewhat interesting. Muna didn't know her name. She had a sudden urge to.

"Do we ask everyone to wait downstairs?"

One of the corps members had asked while directing the question to the girl, who was the center of Muna's interest at the moment.


Her lips pursed while she considered another solution to what seemed to be a little problem for the excos.

"Let's call out the tag numbers in batches of 20, then we see how we can keep up the pace from there. You all agree?" she suggested.

She had a low-cut hairdo with silver glasses resting on the bridge of her nose, which was really giving!

Glittery silver-studded earrings were giving off a shimmer when rays of light landed on her face every now and then, and rings adorned her index fingers on both hands.

All silver. Muna was a sucker for silver adornments and this was really a nice accessory ensemble.

When she spoke, she gesticulated severally, which Muna noticed, and she also saw that her fingernails were neatly trimmed.

"I think that's a great idea."

One of the other corps members said. The other concurred too and they now had to decide one more thing.

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