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I'm not in search of sanctity, sacredness, or purity; these things are found after this life, not in this life; but in this life, I search to be completely human: to feel, to give, to take, to laugh, to get lost, to be found, to dance, to love and to lust, to be so human.

♥︎  ♥︎  ♥︎

There's always a good lesson in meeting new people; it's kinda like a shortcut to enlarging your circle of friends. And though there are times you don't match with their likes, there are some with whom you just blend well.

Muna felt quite open to meeting new people and making new friends but on the contrary, she was often perceived as antisocial. She didn't mind the perception anyway; she was only responsible for what she said or did, not what people interpreted it as.

After her adventure with Audrina and the almost-kidnapper, they slowly returned to their lives as corps members and kept their "situationship" on the low-low.

At the LGA, Muna noticed Ralia was among the set of corps members who had their pop, which means Passing Out Parade, on the next Friday.

She remembered reaching out to her sometime ago, prior to the outreach they went for, but Ralia seemed to be unresponsive to the messages Muna had sent her.

Muna decided to congratulate her, as others were doing, along with the other out-going corps members she knew by face.

She noticed she had actually been in a situation where she could have met with a large number of people, made some useful connections with a few of them that appeared to be potential contacts, and even increased her social media following if there were any active social media users among them but now it looked like she was not making the most of the opportunity.

A person meets thousands of different people across a lifetime; a woman meets thousands of different men of all shades; and many more if she constantly passes through different parts of the world.

Even so, of the many different people a person meets on average, it is rare for one to fit almost immediately into harmony and general interest.

For all the choices available, the odds are enormous yet the miracle is there to be grasped.

Muna felt like she hadn't grasped the miracle. At all.

"I care," a guy said in a trembling voice.
He was talking to Ralia, and Muna stopped close to where the two were speaking and waited for Ralia to be free to talk.

Unintentionally eavesdropping.

"I care so much that I do not know how to tell you without it seeming inconsequential compared to how I feel. Even if I am distant at times and seem as if I do not want to be with you, it is only because this scares me, too."

Ralia was quiet for a while, even after the guy poured out his heart to her, and Muna was forced to poke her neck in their direction to be sure she didn't walk out on him or something.

She saw Ralia rubbing her forehead with the back of her hand.

"Olumide, I'm really sorry if it hurts your feelings when I say this, but I have feelings for someone else and I really want things to work out between us."


Muna couldn't believe what she was hearing and she genuinely felt sad for the guy.

"Ralia, who is the person?"

"I really don't owe you that information but I'm really sorry if you're hurt."

If you're hurt?

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