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The night is the hardest time to be alive and 4 a.m. knows all my secrets.


Not only was it not Friday, it was not even Thursday. Muna rarely posted memes on her snap stories or anything at all, but on her way home from work, as she listened to one of her Spotify playlists while scrolling through her contact's posts, she stumbled upon one of her former coursemates' snap stories, which was a meme about workaholics.

She smiled as she read the caption, which she could really relate to.

Still smiling, she decided to reply the post.

This is actually very relatable. *smiling emoji with a teardrop*"

She got a reply almost immediately.

Well, Muna, not everything I post is my situation. Sometimes I post your situation on your behalf. *smiley emoji and a red heart"

Muna didn't feel offended but it kind of stung to know that some of her coursemates were not really going through the same stress that she was.

In fact, many corps members had paid the local government inspector of the area they were posted to, so they didn't need to work at all, but they still received the monthly allowance of N33k from the federal government.

They were balling!

Her Uber pulled up in front of her house; she paid for the ride and got out. She saw Dave sitting on the front steps, nursing a bottle of beer.

She nearly ignored him; everything about today didn't put her in the mood to listen to someone else's life problems, which would be time-consuming.

Simpler, she thought, just to go into the house, close the door, and just cut out the hardship of the day.
But she crossed over instead and sat down on the step beside him. She took his beer and took a couple of gulps.

"I want to believe that you've not been sitting out here waiting for me, because I'm going to get weirded out by that."

"Then don't believe it. But you can believe that I have always been known to take in a nice evening with a cold drink on the front steps every now and then."

He looked at her.
"How was your day? Rough one?"

"No, a hectic one."

"Celebrity guest?"

"Exactly! This upcoming artist just feels like the world revolves around them because they have a few mint notes to throw around. To make things more annoying, my supervisor says I'm meant to put up an appearance while on hosting duties. It's stressful to have to smile at their dumb jokes. Ughh!"

"Ouuu, someone's sounding like an up-coming public figure."

He said with a little heh-heh, which made Muna shove his shoulder slightly as he stretched out his legs.

"You know I'm not all about that life." She took the bottle again and drank contemplatively.

"Well, being a public figure kind of comes with my job, yeah, but I don't want to have to fake my expressions all the time, biko." She gave a partial chuckle and gave him the bottle as she got up.

"What's got you in this evening drinking mood anyway?" She asked while she reached for her phone in her tote bag.

She was placing an order for their dinner, seeing as nobody was ready to cook tonight.

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