PART 10 : THE EX PT. 1

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When walking into a room, do not worry. Everyone else is afraid. People are scared of people who are scared of people.


Muna wasn't a hundred percent regarding her plans for the day, but she was usually willing to go along with whatever it came with.

It was the weekend and on a normal day, if their parents were home, the activities that came with the weekend were quite exhausting. That was when Muna's mother, Abigail Anosike, would insist that the house needed environmental sanitation because, simply because everyone was home, more hands would be available.

Things were different now. Her parents have been away at the family villa in Nnewi for almost a month now, and Muna has assumed motherly duties. The house didn't need thorough cleaning, and what not, because she made sure her siblings—Dave was the only one around—practiced good hygiene. Xavier's dyslexia made him start school late and have to repeat some classes but he was in year 12 now and was preparing for his senior WAEC. Muna is often worried about him. He was smart in his own way but he wanted to be a doctor and his condition seemed to be an impairment to that dream.

She was his personal tutor whenever he was home from boarding school and Reena was always right behind him in class. They were both away at school but despite the relief of not having so many siblings to look after, Muna still missed them.

At the back of her head, the text message from her ex lingered.

**I miss you, M.

She had just read it and dismissed it immediately. Her past relationships had always been short-term, with breakups being initiated by her.

Technically, by relationships, she had been in just one serious one; the rest didn't exactly classify as relationships. They were more like "situations.".

She was used to being asked out by a lot of guys, and even when she didn't like them as much as they did, she'd just flirt with them, and if things seemed like they were getting too serious, she'd back away before she ended up breaking somebody's son's heart.

That one actual relationship, which she'd decided to try committing to, was the one involving the texter, the ex.

It was the middle of June when they'd met two years ago, and they immediately got along as friends, then boyfriend and girlfriend. Mordecai was his name.

She thought his name was as unique and fascinating as his handsome face and she wanted to know him. I truly know him. Their relationship had gotten off to a hot start and even though she hadn't been intimate with any man, anybody, deep down she felt he was the one.

Osapa London, Lagos 2020

Muna was interning at her current place of work back then, and she was going off to NYSC camp the next year, so the internship was really important if she wanted to get posted to that organisation after her camping days were over.

Her relationship with Mordecai was now 5 months old, and they were quite the couple.

He worked as a financial planner and had clients with gigantic net worths. He was doing really well for himself and enjoyed his work.

Maybe he enjoyed it because he was good at it but still, Nigeria wasn't the country where one would always be lucky to be doing what you enjoyed. So long as you make good money out of it, you better love it and hold on to it. The unemployment rate kept skyrocketing and the government couldn't care less.

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