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I've found that in life, love and attraction can take many forms. And if one is open to unexpected possibilities, there are no boundaries.

★ ★ ★

When they entered into Audrina's house, it was literally hard for her to sneak Muna in. She kept falling and making noises. No lights were on, except for the little light rays reflecting from the lights in the compound.

Audrina had to tell her to be quiet because her parents were most likely asleep and she didn't have the strength for Alfred's lectures about late-night outings.

She was now dragging Muna all the way up the stairs and into her room.

Once Audrina unlocked the doors, Muna pulled out of her grip and ran over to her bed. She collapsed on it and flung her bag and a little suitcase she carried to the corner of the room. Then she tossed around on the bed.

Audrina just watched her and shook her head, then got in, turned on the AC, and switched on the strip lights in her room. She set the color to a soft, dim shade of blue. It was her favorite color. Along with black.

"Hmmm, your bed is so soft." Muna whispered.

Yeah, like your boobs.

Audrina briefly thought of how it felt when Muna's front side pressed on her as she drove the power bike to the pickup location, and she felt goosebumps form all over her arms.

She pushed the thought to the back of her mind and just scratched her head. She looked at Muna for a while and smiled. She could understand why some men had wanted her all to themselves. She was drop-dead gorgeous.

"Thank you," Audrina finally said. "Glad you like it."

Audrina took a quick shower and got dressed in blue shorts and a black tank top. As she swiped her towel at her wet hair, she noted Muna's gaze was on her, and Muna averted her eyes when they locked eyes briefly.

"Would you like to have a bath or...?" Audrina asked to break the silence.

"Uhm, no, not really. I actually had my bath earlier at the club. Your uncle was quite a proper host." Muna replied and kept staring again.

"Oh good. He should treat you well; after all, you did make him some good money in just one night."

"True," Muna said.

They had a few moments of awkward silence, and Audrina busied herself with arranging her work desk.

"Can you help me with something?" Muna chirped out finally.

Audrina nodded slowly and dropped the things in her hands. She had wanted to clean up the room a bit before going to bed, but it could wait.

Muna lifted her legs up halfway towards Audrina.

"Can you help me take these off, please?" She asked and pointed to her heels on her feet.

Audrina walked to the bed, and she noticed Muna kept her gaze on her. She knelt down in front of Muna, fully down on her knees. Then she took her heels in her hands and took them off.

"There you go, princess."

Muna had changed out of the red dress she'd performed in, as she was told she'd be given another outfit at her next performance. A performance she never had, thanks to Audrina's intervention.

She had changed back into the outfit she'd worn to her date with Audrina and had the gorgeous red dress in a little satchel.

"Another favor, please." Audrina stood and looked down at Muna, who turned over on her stomach.


"Can you zip me down, please?"

Audrina's fingers hesitated for a bit, but then she shrugged off the hesitation and moved her fingers to the zipper, then slowly unzipped her dress.

It was already an off-shoulder crop top, and some of Muna's skin had been open, but when Audrina unzipped her, she noticed how smooth the skin on Muna's back was.

Plus, she had no bra on.

I'm fucked.

"There," she said when she reached the bottom of the zipper.

"Can you give me a little massage? Like, just rub my back a bit." Muna requested again, almost immediately.

Audrina didn't hesitate this time. She got on the bed and knelt on it, with Muna laying between her knees, and simply rubbed her back as asked.

The AC hummed gently, and the room got colder within minutes.

Muna arched her back, causing her butt to stand out more, even as she let out soft moans every now and then, mid-massage. She was enjoying it so much.

The whole scenario was low-key, turning Audrina on, and she bit her lip lightly to suppress her increasing horny state.

Muna let out a moan again.

"Take it off," she said.

Audrina's eyes widened as she looked at Muna's bare back.

"Y-y-your top?" She stuttered out.

"Yes, and my skirt too." Muna answered.

Audrina slowly slid her dress out of both arms, with Muna raising each arm when asked, and now her breasts were pressed against the bed.

Audrina then pulled down her skirt until it was down to her ankles. Muna playfully kicked the rest of the skirt off. Audrina now sat up a little more, with Muna's ass and her stomach having very little space between them.

She began rubbing her back again, and her hands travelled down to Muna's waist. She lightly stroked the ribs on her sides with her hands, making contact with the skin on the side of Muna's breast.

"Mmhmm, go further." Muna told her in between moans.

Audrina didn't listen but simply stopped in her tracks. She froze.

Muna eventually grabbed her arm and tanked her up further, which made Muna arch her backside more. Her ass was now pressed against Audrina's front, and the room suddenly felt insanely hot for Audrina. A moan escaped Muna's mouth.

Audrina felt there were so many things wrong with this. First of all, she felt Muna was not ready for something as intimate as what she was initiating. Secondly, she's probably still a virgin. If Audrina was to entertain her advances, she might end up strapping up, and she had not had that discussion with Muna before.

She slowly took her hands off Muna, getting lost in her thoughts.

"Why did you stop?" Muna whined.

"You're not ready, and I don't think you can handle the rush of lust I'm feeling now. Muna, I'm very, very attracted to you. I want you to want this as much as I do, not just because." Audrina told her and tried getting off of her, but Muna beat her to it by tossing her over.

"I want this. You've gotten me in the mood already, so what are we going to do about it?" Muna asked her in a cute, baby voice.

"I did nothing to arouse you, did I?" Audrina tried to sound as though Muna's words hadn't made her feel enervated, to say the least.
Muna tilted her head sideways, her stare growing more intense.

"You breathed."

★ ★ ★

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