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People are guests in our story, the same way we are guests in theirs. But we all meet each other for a reason, because every person is a personal lesson waiting to be told.

Muna's pov

"TJ, please, if you get to the LGA before me, help me write my name. You have my secrets, right?"

"Yes, I've still got them at the back of my head."

"Seriously? I thought you'd written it in your notepad or something."

"Nahh. Isn't your state code LA22a019, then your email address is munaanosi?"

"Okay, okay, okay. Ah! I hail you, oh." She interrupted him.

"You never cease to amaze me, Sha, but thanks."

"Anytime, Muna."

Muna was surprised he had it memorised. Impressed even.

"Wait, what was that sound?" Muna asked TJ over the phone.

"Uhmm, I just smacked one flying insect like that jare. It was flying so close to my face, and it was those things with little light emitting from their asses." He laughed after the last word.

"Oh my goodness! TJ!" Muna half-screamed.


Amidst those who strut with illicit pride, even after sinking a dagger into others with stealth, there stands Muna, burdened by a persisting pang of guilt whenever she inadvertently crushed an ant underfoot. Then there was TJ, large feet, big-bodied, and uncaring for the little animals of earth.

"Did you just kill a firefly!?" She was scowling through the phone, and though TJ couldn't see it, he sensed it.

"Are you going to come do a funeral for it too, Muna?" She knew he was jesting, but she just dismissed his joke.

"May the Lord forgive you, young man. I've got to go now, Jare."
"Alright then. See you later."

"Yeah. Bye." She ended the call and continued dressing up.

TJ was smiling as he was already set to leave. He walked out of his home and into the street where his Uber ride waited, then headed for the LGA.

He had bashed the side mirror of his car, and his father wouldn't let him drive it till he repaired it. From his own pockets. TJ was just too lazy to go to the mechanic and sort it out, so for now he used Uber.

As a part of the exco, he was expected to be at the LGA thirty minutes before the actual time. Their call was still on as TJ got into the car. He told the driver to begin the ride to the LGA, then connected his airpods to his phone. It was somewhere between two and six, so he had enough time for the road trip.

"I'll ask Kanyinsola if he's on his way too. That's if he's even coming today." TJ said.

"That guy, sef. I'll send him a message too. I've got to go now, so I can get set."

Anyways, today was Friday and not just a regular Friday; it was the general CDS day, which meant the LGi (local government inspector) was going to show up at the LGA and use attendance for her signing process.

If you don't have your name and state code number written on the attendance sheet by the time she arrives, she isn't going to sign your form. If she didn't sign your form, you won't be able to thumbprint and update your monthly attendance record on the NYSC portal.

This basically means that you will not be paid your monthly allowance from the federal government. Do you see the protocols that corps members deal with during their service? It's insane. Why? Because each LGA has about fifteen thousand corps members split into Monday and Saturday.

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