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How wonderful if something that only existed in wishful thinking comes and expresses itself without being asked forcefully.

★ ★ ★

Muna had been sitting on a pavement close by, with arms wrapped around her legs, as she watched Audrina ruffle her supposed-kidnapper for some minutes.

She never thought her first public karaoke session would be so good to the extent that it got someone to make an attempt at kidnapping her for the sole purpose of having her perform for them.

She felt flattered by the whole thing.

It seemed like something out of a story book and yet she had just experienced it She was definitely updating her siblings about this once she got home.


"Oh my God! Fuck shit! I need to head home." She was fretting as she immediately got to her feet and staggered for balance. Audrina rushed to her side and caught her before she hit the ground.

Relax, princess, it's kind of late. I texted TJ to inform your brother about your staying out late tonight. I hope you don't mind."

"Aww, thank you. That was actually really thoughtful of you. How did you even remember such, given the circumstances?"

Audrina sat down by her side and brought her phone out of her pocket.

"Uhm, I was thinking of you and just thought of where your mind might be."

They were quiet for a while before Muna decided to ask what she'd been dying to ask since they left the club.

"Who's that chick you were lipsing?"
Audrina turned to face her and arranged her thoughts before she spoke.

"You mean kissing, right?" She asked for clarification.


"Alright, first of all, I'm so sorry you had to see that. The girl's name is Folake. She's a bartender at the club and we met earlier before that time, where she made me a drink and flirted with me. I think."

She paused to let Muna take in all of that, then continued.

"So, I was desperately looking for you and after I saw you on the stage, and then you saw me, I figured I needed to get to the backstage area in order to get to you."

"Okay... so?" Muna asked so she'd carry on.

"So, when my uncle came on stage and announced you as..."

"Wait, wait! Back up a bit. What do you mean, 'your uncle?' Are you talking about Nico? The club owner!" Muna asked with raised eyebrows and surprise.

"Uhmm, yes, exactly. Okay, I should have led with that."

"Carry on, carry on." Muna said as she stood up and started pacing. She suddenly had a million questions to ask Audrina but she wanted to hear the full story before she bombarded her with her queries.

"So, I saw that as a weird but amazing coincidence. Trust me, I was as shocked as you are now when I saw him there on the stage. I am only just finding out about his club business. So, I asked her, that's Folake, to help me find a way into the backstage, you know, without any suspicions so I could talk to my uncle and get you out of whatever mess this was."

Audrina paused for a while to catch her breath and then continued explaining how she had threatened her uncle with telling her mom and the entire family about his club business if he didn't let Muna out of his deal with him.

"Wait, so he told you he had a deal with me? Did he tell you how much was on the table?" Muna asked with a curious expression.

At that, Audrina stood up too and got Muna to stop pacing, as she stood in her way.

"What are you trying to say, princess? You took money from him?" Audrina was looking serious but she was flabbergasted, to say the least. In a good way, though.

"Yes. I told him I'd agree to perform if he paid me five million naira."

"Babe!" Audrina half-screamed and covered her opened mouth with both palms.

"Anddddd, wait now, and he actually transferred 3M to me. See." She brought out her phone and showed Audrina the credit alert. "I'm going to get an apartment with it and move out next month."

Audrina started laughing so hard and raised her palm up to Muna, then Muna slammed it with her free hand and they hugged each other.

They sat down on the pavement and Audrina continued her apology.

"Look, princess, I know we're not dating—well, not yet—but I really want you to know how sorry I am about that kiss with Folake. She just randomly said I owed her a kiss for showing me a way to the backstage area and then to my uncle's office. I didn't even agree to the rubbish kissing ordeal! I had actually asked that my uncle compensate her with some money. I'm so sorry, Muna."

Audrina held Muna's hands as she apologized and she thought Muna's eyes sparkled as she looked back at her.

She couldn't tell if Muna was still upset or not but Muna held on to her hands too and she knew it was a good sign.

"Was the kiss nice?" Muna asked casually, which made Audrina chuckle a bit.

"Errmm I couldn't get enough lipppssing to rate her, so I'd just say no."

At that, Muna laughed, and rubbed her forehead lightly. "Your accent on the word 'lipsing' needs to be studied."

They shared a few laughs and Audrina really hoped she was now forgiven, but Muna hadn't said it outright yet.

★ ★ ★

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