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You must remember, family is often born of blood, but it doesn't depend on blood. Nor is it exclusive to friendship. Family members can be your best friends, you know. And best friends, whether or not they are related to you, can be your family.

★ ★ ★

Audrina tried to maintain her composure, but she was close to losing her temper when she spoke.

"Y-you killed her? Uncle Nicholas, what do you mean by she is gone?" He raised his face to look at her.

"Kill kwa? Mbanu! I don't kill people nne."

She didn't even give any thought to his suggestion that she find someone else to date. Not that she was dating Muna or anything, but still.

"Then how is she gone? She asked again, her patience wearing out.

"He has taken her to her next show."

He was going back to his chair when someone joined them in the room.

"Who is this 'he'?" Audrina asked.

Audrina was surprised because she didn't hear a knock and wondered who it was.

"Why don't you ask him yourself." Nico told her and flung his hand in the direction of the door, turning Audrina's attention towards the door and the man who joined them.

Audrina turned towards the door and saw a man approach. His face made her wince, his face was a bestial face, a face that bore the signature of nature's injustice. Quite a difficult face to look at.

When he got closer, Audrina had a feeling that she had seen him earlier.

"Uncle Nicholas, who is this, and what could he possibly know about my friend?"

Nico gestured for the man to come closer and when he did, they both exchanged a smile.

"This is Paschal. Remember him?" Nico asked and turned to Audrina, who was trying to remember why she should remember him.

"Oh, yeah, I remember. Accountant stuff..."

Nico nodded.

"He handles the logistics of my organization, and he has just given orders for the company's driver to take your friend to her next performance. "

Audrina rubbed her forehead aggressively. She reached for her phone and dialed Muna's line again. She held her breath while it rang. She waited and hoped for her to pick up.

No answer.

"Why is she not picking up?" she asked both men, and she looked from handsome uncle to ugly assistant and waited for an answer from either.

Nico picked up his landline once again and dialed a number.

"She doesn't have her phone with her. We are yet to find her bag, but we will." Paschal told her and turned to Nico.


Audrina listened as Nico spoke on his landline.

"Have you all left the premises?"

Audrina's phone vibrated and she reached into her pocket and brought it out.

Her eyes widened and she let out a little shriek, then immediately clamped her other hand on to her mouth. She looked at both men, hoping they didn't hear.

Muna had texted her and told her where she was but they were about to leave the club completely. She also stated that Nico and his men were unaware that she had her phone with her but if she was able to get the text before 3:30 am, she should ask for Efe and she'll direct her to where Muna was asked to wait.

After Nico was done with his call, he stood up and crossed the room to meet Audrina.

"My dear, you see, ehnn, the kind of business I do, there are some deals you make, that you simply cannot unmake. i ghota?" Nico asked with some emotion in his eyes. She needed to excuse herself and go meet up with whoever was Efe.

"Ehmm, uncle, whatever deal you have with Muna has to be nullified. Please. Or do you think my mom will be happy to hear where I was all night, not to talk about who owns the place?" Audrina asked him with a smirk on her face.

She knew she was pushing it but it had come down to that and she had to use her wild card. Obviously, her family members, her maternal family members didn't know this was the kind of job he did and her grandma would probably die on the spot if she heard her son runs an olosho parlour.

Even if it wasn't exactly a brothel, Audrina was going to say it was a brothel. Her uncle would be at odds with her grandparents and the rest of his siblings, but he'll be okay, but if she doesn't do what she has to tonight, Muna may not be okay.

"Young woman," Nico closed the distance between them and his face was rigid as he spoke, "You know you can't say things like this, especially in front of my employee. I'm only calm because you're my niece."

Audrina pocketed her phone and folded her arms. "Uncle Nicholas, I really don't want to cause any trouble for anyone, not for you, and definitely not for this handsome gentleman over there." She looked at Paschal briefly and returned her gaze back to her uncle's face.

"All I'm saying is that Muna is talented, sexy, and a lot of other things, but what she's not is a club singer. I just want you to tell me one thing and I'll be out of here. With Muna obviously."

Nico took a deep breath and shifted his weight from one foot to the other.

"What is it you want this time?" he asked her.

"Just tell me where Efe is."

Nico's facial expression changed and Audrina realized he'd never mentioned the name.

"Dabere, how did y—"

She interrupted him before he finished.

"Folake told me she was the one that helped Muna dress up and everything. You know, I just need to ask her if she saw Muna's bag at any point. Just to be sure, before I go and look for Muna."

Nico's expression softened and he gestured to Paschal to go call Efe.

"Thank you, Uncle Nick. You know you've always been my favorite uncle amongst mom's brothers." She told him with a wink and he laughed with a baritone in his voice.

Efe came to join them a few minutes later, and she conversed with her in whispers.

When Efe explained where Muna was to her, she offered to direct her but Audrina objected to it.

"Uncle, I have to go now. Thank you for letting my friend go. I know she is a gem. A priceless one at that, but you'll find someone else. Probably not better than she is, but close."

She strolled to his table and turned to meet him in his seat, then kissed his cheek and turned away to leave.

"Be careful, Daberechi. i nugo m?" He warned her.

Audrina nodded her head and continued on her way.

"Oh, and not a word to your mom about my business. Biko." He added.

"Anugo m. N'oro ofuma." Audrina assured him she wasn't going to let their family, especially her mom, know about his business. At least, he could be sure it wouldn't come to light because of her.

Audrina exited the room and started heading downstairs, remembering Efe's directions and taking long strides as she moved.

★ ★ ★
my SUITS UPDATE: Jessica Pearson is so beautiful! Whoever is her costume designer has got to get a 10% raise bc!! so she's phucking Lucifer's brother huh!? Malone!

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