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There is a shock that comes so quickly and strikes so deeply that the blow is internalized even before the skin feels it. The strike must first reach bone marrow, then ascend slowly to the brain, where the slowpoke intellect records the deed.

★ ★ ★

After Muna's performance, the MC came on the stage and introduced another performer who had a musical set arranged for her as he spoke.

The MC appraised Muna's performance and described her as having the highest form of gentility for a first time performer and that got everyone clapping delightfully.

Audrina couldn't agree less. She clapped too. Muna definitely did not perform as a first time performer, especially under the given circumstances.

She stopped clapping, as she felt someone tap her shoulders from behind.

"I've been looking for you."

Audrina recognized the voice and turned to face the person.

"Are you avoiding me, Ms. Dark and Stormy?"

Audrina smiled, pocketed her left hand and gesticulated with her right hand as she spoke.

"No, Folake, I'm not avoiding you. What reason would I have to even avoid you?"

"Well, because you don't want to tell me your name or maybe because you've never had a drink as good as the one I made you." Folake told her with her hand on her bare hip. She still wore her half naked dress, anyway.

"Once again, thank you for that drink. Actually, I was looking for you. Are you free now?" Audrina asked and motioned for them to move outside, leading the way

"Yes, I'm free. I can find us an empty room and give you a good time if you're down."

Audrina stopped in her tracks, turned back to look at Folake and laughed.

"I'm not sure our heads are on the same page but thanks for the offer. I'm good."

"If you say so," Folake replied, "I had to ask sha. Plus, I wasn't even going to charge you."

They got to a quieter spot and Audrina found it uncomfortable standing in the thick field of sand that filled the compound outside.

"I need your help with getting backstage. Do you know a way?"

Folake folded her arms and hesitated a bit before responding.

"Why do you want to go backstage? Do you have business with Oga Nico?"

Audrina's phone vibrated in her pocket but she ignored it.

"Who is oga Nico?" She asked.

"He's the owner of this club. He runs 2 other clubs like this on the mainland. This one is his biggest anyway." Folake told her and looked around before she continued. "So, answer my question first, before I tell you if I can or cannot get you backstage."

"Oh, he is the owner? That's interesting. Okay, I just need to see him. Actually, we have a mutual client whom I think is going to be meeting with him there. Now."

Folake studied her before speaking.

"Is this the same person you said you were looking for earlier at the bar?"

Audrina didn't remember saying so, but she nodded yes, still.

"If it's business related, you'll just have to wait till the morning. He doesn't take business visitors on big nights like tonight."

Audrina thought for a while, trying to come up with something without making anything obvious to Folake.

"I don't think he'll want to hold off on meeting me when he hears who I am and what news I have for him. Please, just show me the way in and vet me for the guards. I promise to ask him to reward you."

Folake smiled. "Reward me? Really?"

"Yeah, we're kind of close. It's a long story anyway."

"Your good looks might have just helped you out tonight. Walk with me."

At that, Folake turned away and headed back into the dome-shaped building. Audrina was fast on her heels.

They went through a corridor and climbed up two stairways that led to the third floor.

"Does this lead backstage?" Audrina asked her when they were on the third floor, looking around for any signs of Muna or her uncle.

"Nahh, this is oga Nico's floor." Folake looked sideways to look at Audrina as she spoke, "He brings all his big guests and performers here and since you claim to be close, he should not be bothered by me bringing you here."

They passed some guards and Folake greeted them as they kept walking.

"When you say performers, do you think the lady who performed some minutes ago would be here too?" Audrina asked, sounding as uninterested as possible.

"Oh yes! Muna the Diva, as he calls her, that one na gold, oh! She is one of his biggest talents. I doubt he'd let her go as easily as the other ones."


Folake looked her in the face and stopped walking.
"Why fuck?" She asked Audrina.


Audrina didn't think she had uttered that in an audible voice and had to think fast for a sensible answer.

"Uhh nothing. I'm just impressed with the building, that's all. Plus, your boss seems to know how to find pretty and talented women."

Audrina said this because his ex-wife was one helluva gorgeous lady. His gambling addiction had resulted in her leaving him and now, it seems like he'd won some major bets to have set up something as big as this. He even had two other branches!

The woman would've been swimming in pounds and dollars by now but then, who knows what happens behind the closed doors of a matrimonial home?

Much less a matrimonial home with an addict as a husband. Pfft!

Audrina came back to her situation even as she stopped behind Folake, who knocked on a door three times and waited for permission to enter. The door had a white bunny head on it, which seemed to be glowing with some sort of neon light around its borders.

Audrina thought it didn't look sinister at all. Or did it?

"Remember, Dark and Stormy, you owe me for this."
Audrina nodded.

"Enter," they heard a voice say from inside the room.

"Hold on, before we go in, do you have any amount in mind?" Audrina asked her.

"Any amount you think of, I'll accept. But you owe me a kiss."

"Ehn wha--"

Before Audrina could finish, Folake opened the door, and Audrina found herself walking behind Folake, as they both made their way into the dimly lit room.

"Oh Folake, it's you. Come on in."

Audrina recognized that voice all too well but would the owner of the voice be able to remember her?

All she hoped for was to see Muna again and figure out how they could leave. If her uncle were to be as reasonable as he was the last time she'd seen him, then she and Muna would simply stroll out of the building in peace.

If he was not, then they'd escape. Either ways, they were going to be out of this place. Tonight.

★ ★ ★

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