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Things never go wrong at the moment you expect them to. When you're completely relaxed, oblivious to any potential dangers, that's when bad things happen.



As he drove in, he honked three times as if to notify everyone of his arrival and then parked the car at the side of the dome-looking building.

Audrina finally caught up but had to kill the engine of the bike and park it far away from the dusty road that led to the building that she suspected them to have taken Muna to.

What did they need Muna for, fgs? Or what shady thing could Muna be involved in prior to them meeting.

They knew eachother for what? Couple of months? Did she know enough?

No, she's not going to give that thought much fuel. Muna wasn't like that. She thought.

She hunched down as she walked slowly between low fences and walls. She then saw a way into the building but it was on the far side of the main entrance. It was a long shot but she took it.

Her phone vibrated and she quickly pressed the tiny button on her phone to mute all notifications. Taking a quick glance at her phone, she saw her brother's message. Alfred was asking where she was and confirming if she had her keys.

Apparently, they were about to lock her estate's gate and she'd need some means of ID to get in once they did.

She locked her phone screen and slipped her phone back in her pocket.

She'd deal with that when the time came. Now, she hoped she wasn't too late to save Muna.

Who was she kidding! She didn't have much experience dealing with thugs, much less thugs from the ghetto and these guys were almost twice her size. She thought of calling TJ but he may not get here on time and she couldn't trust him not to get here incognito.

She stopped for a while and said a short prayer.
The Memorare.

A prayer most Catholics love to say when the going gets tough and there seems to be no other way out. Except God makes a way.

She continued on her way, beads of sweat forming on her forehead, which she took a swipe at and flung away from her face.

She made the sign of the cross and jumped into the building, making a soft landing with her stronger knee making quick contact with the sandy ground and her two palms bracing her landing.

She figured out the place was some sort of nightclub, but the type that was under the radar because of the atrocious things that probably went down within its walls and she knew she needed to blend in.

The place was covered with guards at each corner.

She took off her recommended glasses and put them in her other pocket. Then, using the red bandana she had been carrying in her back pocket, she wiped her face with it and tied it to her head, Tupac style. She sneaked into the building and greeted some people as she bumped into them.

Now she just needed to play the part. She already looked the part.

She seemed to be familiar with the greeting styles that guys usually give each other and they looked too believable. The interior looked much nicer than the outside of the building but Audrina hated the stench of weed in the air.

If Muna were to be anywhere here, she'd be coughing, if not choking already. Unless she's given something to drink and Muna wouldn't drink anything she didn't trust.

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