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The eyes are one of the most powerful tools a woman can have. With one look, she can relay the most intimate message. After the connection is made, words cease to exist.


By the time the Uber that Audrina ordered arrived at the bar, Muna had drank eight shots already, despite Audrina's objections. 

She left the bar entirely dependent on Audrina's body to hold her weight.

"How are you feeling tonight, Drey?" Muna asked with a strain on the second word.

Audrina helped her stand slightly upright while the Uber made a U-turn to turn towards the exit of the street where the bar was.

"Really good. Okay, definitely not forgetting tonight anytime soon."

"I know, right?"

"Yep. Ten over ten for me. What about you? How was tonight for you?" Audrina pocketed her hands and looked at Muna.

"Tonight was... well, it was perfect for me too. You've turned my world upside down. I've fallen in--"
She lost her footing and staggered a little.

"Hey, hey, easy, princess."

Audrina held her still and made Muna lean her weight on her. 

Muna started walking towards the car as it arrived, then the driver parked in front of the bar and Audrina walked with her to the car.

"Just walk slowly. I'd carry you if I had your coherent permission."

"Yes, yes, yes. There's your permission, Drey."
Muna's words were almost clear; one would think she was sober.

"Nah, I said coherent permission."

Muna chuckled and looked at Audrina. Her eyes were sparkling and Audrina knew it she stared at her long enough, she'd start daydreaming of some things shed like to do to Muna.

"You're just trying to avoid me laughing at you because you can't lift me. I know I look like I don't weigh a lot, but hmmm, I do, oh!" Muna said.

Audrina stopped walking and looked stunned at Muna.

"Woman, do you have any idea how many pounds of weight I lift daily?"

Muna gave her a face that showed disbelief and kept walking to the spot where the car waited.

Audrina watched her struggle to find her footing for a few seconds, then quickened her pace. As she quickened her pace, she caught up with Muna and, with one swift move, scooped her up in her arms.

"Oh my God, Audrina! I'm scared of heights; please don't let me go."

Muna held on to Audrina as she locked her fingers behind Audrina's neck and closed her eyes.

"Don't worry, princess, I'm not going to let you go."

Audrina got to the car and signaled to the driver to help her open the door to the back seat, which he did from inside. She noticed the car's windows were rolled down slightly, which meant the AC wasn't on.

When Audrina leaned into the car and gently placed Muna on the seat, she confirmed her assumptions about the room temperature in the car. She was going to tell him to turn on the ac immediately she got in.

When Muna was well seated, she shut the door.

She was walking to the other side of the backseat door when suddenly the driver sped off.

"Audrina!" Muna screamed, poking her head out the window, as the car speedily drove her away.

"What the fuck!" Audrina yelled as she made a leap for the car's trunk but it was speeding off already.
Quickly looking around, people around her looked in her direction and just went about their business.

Audrina kept screaming at the speeding car and immediately brought out her phone from her pocket to order another ride. It was late and no one was accepting any rides anymore. 

Fuck the government for banning Okada!! She cursed under her breath.

"Oh, my God. Muna!" She muttered under her breath and opened her WhatsApp.

She opened Muna's chat and tapped the tiny mic at the side of the chat box,

"I'm coming to get you."

She let the vice not drop and when the double blue tick appeared, she was glad Muna left her data on. Next, she opened TJ's DM and texted something to him, after which she put her phone back in her pocket.

She saw a motorcycle parked close to the bar, with a group of street guys standing and talking at a distance from it.

She wasn't thinking when she walked to the men, asked for the owner of the bike and when they told her, she walked towards him.

"I'm sorry, but I need your bike."

She quickly ran back to where the motorcycle was parked and put on the helmet.

She saw that the power bike didn't need keys but just needed a push of a button as it's ignition.

Her instincts kicked in, and she climbed onto it and pressed the button.

The engine roared, and she revved it some more before getting on it and sped off, ignoring the shouts from the owner of the motorcycle along with the other men there.

She had not been on a motorcycle since the accident that caused her to quit basketball, but she wasn't thinking of her healing knees now. She was not thinking at all.

She kept making brief glances at her phone. The Uber app was open, and she was heading wherever it was that this godforsaken kidnapper was headed. How on earth did Uber drivers start kidnapping? Lagos is just a wild place.

She mentally prayed as she sped off. She was furious but thought to use her head instead.

Please, Lord, don't let him hurt her. Please.

Muna needed her, and she revved the engine of the motorcycle again, which increased its acceleration.


A little bit of danger will do us all some good. Maybe some blood wouldn't be bad too. Right? Just kidding, there won't be blood.
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Stay with me.

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