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Fun Fact: Did you know that if you illegally download music in Jamaica, it makes you a pirate of the Caribbean?! 😂


"I'll be back in ten. Just keep the line moving, okay? We're almost done for today."

Muna heard Audrina's voice as she climbed down the stairs to where Muna waited for her. Today's routine thumb printing process had actually been much faster than other days and Audrina had a major hand in that.

She came to stand in front of Muna and put her hands in her pocket while she stared.

Muna was leaning on the wall. Seeing Audrina, she got off the wall and walked towards her.

"Hi Muna. Sorry, I kept you waiting." She said it in a calm voice.

Muna now stood inches from where Audrina stood, leaning on the curve of the staircase.

"Have I told you you're pretty?" She asked Muna.

Muna looked at her feet and just smiled.
"Blushing now, are you?"

"I'm not blushing, joor. I just don't know what to say, even though I really wanted to see you again."

Audrina pulled her by the waist, so that they were a breath away from each other. She took off her glasses and wiped the lens with a small finger cloth in her pocket, then put it back on.

"Well, you don't have to say anything. I don't mind spending my entire free time just looking at you."

Audrina was smiling now because Muna looked at her feet again.

"I like your Yeezys. They're fire." Muna said to her.

"These ugly ass shoes? Pfft! I don't know what Kanye was thinking, making these alien-looking kicks. The guy's a genius anyway."

She was shifting her feet in the Yeezy shoes even though her feet weren't fully in the shoes. Her heels were out, and she partially stood on the back of the Yeezys.

"I like that they're white, though." Muna told her.

"Yeah, me too. I bought them specifically for these CDS meetings. I can't bear to wear white sneakers and stand for hours here. Plus, these are easy to wash. You get?"

"Yeah, I understand," Muna said.

"I like your Nike shoe. I think they're not deserving of this place.

Muna laughed.
"I know, right! That's why I only wear them once a month. Only on general CDS days."

"Okay. Fair enough."

Audrina removed her left foot from the Yeezy and shifted it towards Muna.

"Here, try it. What's your shoe size, Muna?"

Muna laughed and shook her head.

"Nah nahh nah. I don't think my feet could fit in it. You're taller than I am so your feet will be way bigger than mine. I wear size 42."

Muna tried it but the extra space behind her feet was too much.

"I wear 45 or 46."

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