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Sex without love is as hollow and ridiculous as love without sex.
★ ★ ★

Audrina now laid on her back while Muna sat on her midsection, with her knees holding up some of her weight. Then she asked Audrina to take off her top. She obeyed.

"Princess, you're not alone there. Sex with you would be so fucking great and having great sex with someone I'm attracted to, is like taking in a huge lungful of fresh air, essential to your body, essential to your health, and essential to your life. There's a lot involved too."

Muna didn't budge. She could smell the wholesome scent that seemed to surround Audrina at the moment: lavender. Was it a body wash or a perfume?

"Okay, you want this. I'm impressed at your flip-over skills but I'm still not s—"


Muna cut her off by placing her index finger on her lips and stared down at her.

"You shall address me as 'my dearest," Muna said in a feigned Queen Cersei voice, trying to sound dominating. "You will forget all about your disapprovals and think only about pleasing me."

It was an interesting tone, Audrina thought, as she stared right back at Muna in the bluish ray from her room's light flashing gently on Muna's face.

Audrina simply nodded and murmured, "I don't think it's a good idea for us to..."

"You're thinking too much," Muna said huskily, and slightly moved forward.

She thought Muna's voice had a sort of hypnotizing ring to it.

"Yes, my dearest." Audrina said with a smile and breathed fervently.

At that, Muna leaned forward, closing up the little space between their bodies and replaced her finger with her lips on Audrina's.

When Muna's lips touched Audrina's, nothing else mattered in the world except their kiss.

Pressed together, Muna's breasts pushing into Audrina's, and with their lower bodies intimately close, Audrina didn't even think about waiting before she slid her tongue into Muna's mouth.

Not taken by surprise by the move at all, Muna seemed to embrace it, just as she embraced Audrina's finger, which slipped in between them and stroked her other lips.

It was a hot kiss, slow and explorative, and Audrina immediately became subservient.

Her mind had a paucity of revolt and she let Muna have her way, enjoying the soft feel of her lips. She felt a moan escape Muna's mouth and spiced things up with her tongue. Muna's kissing game was up there!

Everything in Audrina seemed to vibrate, as their tongues did a slow dance together. She added another finger and immediately felt Muna's hips begin to slowly grind on her.

Audrina reached for Muna's waist with her free hand, held her there for a few seconds, then pulled her down to her body and gently squeezed her ass. She was altogether feminine and oh-so-soft.

She increased her thrust speed and Muna's grip on her tightened.

Audrina hadn't been with a girl for a long time and her ex had cured her of the impulse to jump into any relationship just to satisfy a physical desire. But she was wary of the way Muna made her feel.

Muna's elbows weakened, which made her lose her hold on her weight and she let her full weight onto Audrina. Her face was in the crook of Audrina's neck and she too deep, fast-paced breaths.

Audrina's breathing quickened as she felt the softness of Muna's breasts press on her front more, then she slipped her fingers out from Muna and swiped her tongue around her slimy fingers, making a smacking sound as she licked.

"Fuck, Muna," Audrina moaned with every shred of self-control she possessed.

Muna moaned softly, and Audrina flipped her over, topping her once again.

"I want you, Muna. I want to taste the insides of you so badly," Audrina whispered as she ran her tongue over Muna's ear. "I want to explore your entire body," she muttered, and she was pleased at the reactions she got from Muna's body.

She removed some braids from Muna's face, and their gazes seemed to lock for a few seconds, awareness pulsing between them. Muna broke eye contact and rolled over, once again topping Audrina.

Muna knew exactly how she was feeling, because experience had taught her that the kind of excitement she was feeling at that moment was never, ever one-sided.

On the contrary, she knew that it was born of acute and mutual anticipation, and she knew, too, that it would not be denied.

"You said something about a strap, Drey." Muna managed to say when she raised her face up from Audrina's face.

"Don't talk," Audrina said. Then, with one swift move, she rolled Muna over and, with one hand, pinned Muna's hands above her head.

"Just feel, and you know—like they say—carpe diem."

"This feels rather unusual, yet arousing, Drey." Muna said as she stroked Audrina's upper arms slowly. 

"I have an attraction to strange and unusual things. I find them interesting, spellbinding, and utterly fascinating. That's exactly how I feel about you." She was staring right at Muna, and Muna's smile afterwards made her smile back at her.

With that, she started leaving trails of kisses on Muna's face and feasted on her lips when she got to it.

Next, she made her way down to Muna's neck, nibbed a spot just below her ear lobe, and spent some time caressing the spot with her lips and tongue.

Muna wanted desperately to touch Audrina. Her hands were still pinned up above her head, and it was driving her wild.

★ ★ ★

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