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Courage was not the absence of fear but the triumph over it. The brave man/woman is not he/she who does not feel afraid, but he or she who conquers that fear.

★ ★ ★

Audrina released the driver's shirt but still held on to some of the fabric. She wiped her forehead and turned to Muna.

"Do you have any idea what might have happened if I didn't find you? Do you think you're their first target? 'Cause you would neither be the last unless someone treats their fuck up! I know we need to talk but are you thinking clearly right now?"

The man reached into his pocket to bring something out, and Audrina immediately glanced at him and raised the large stick she held up at him.

"Wait, wait. See."

He showed her his phone. "Na that my friend dey call me."

Audrina looked at the phone for a few seconds and lowered the stick. "Don't even think of answering that call. Nico said you guys should never bother us again. Unless you want me to tell him you disobeyed his orders and hurt his favorite niece."

At that, the man returned the phone to his pocket.

Audrina was pissed the fuck out, and Muna could sense it but from the looks of things, they could get in trouble if the matter got to law enforcement and the Nigerian police weren't trustworthy.

At all. Plus, there was a stolen power bike, which could implicate Audrina if things got ugly and her uncle was involved, which ultimately meant her family may get in the middle of the crossfires.

Muna looked at the man for a moment before glancing back up at Audrina. She remembered the man at the bar who had been watching her and whispered something to another man, this man, mid-performance.

The other man must be the friend he was referring to and that one seemed much bigger and older than this one here. Surely, if things escalated, Audrina might not be able to handle them both. She thought carefully before speaking, having in mind that Audrina's uncle was the ringleader of this all.

"Maybe I can only see things ending badly for all of us if this gets to the police," she said.

Audrina turned her attention away from the man and back to Muna. The expression on her face was surprisingly warm.

She understood Muna's point. She had had a run-in with the Nigerian police while driving at night some weeks ago and she didn't want to relive the experience. It was for making a turn without using her trafficator and they were ready to rip off her wallet if she'd let them.

This was a more serious issue. Imagine what they'd demand for justice to be served.

"There's no easy way out of this life," Audrina admitted. "Most people die or run their whole lives to the ground."

She looked back at the man and said, "But, Mr. man, today is not that day for you."

She let him go and asked him to bring out his wallet.

"This is it."

Audrina took out his ID and scanned his name, address, and phone number.

"Now, I know your name and address and I know what you look like. If you and your so-called friend ever pull this kind of stunt again and I hear of it, I will be more than glad to offer your address to my cultist friends. They will do worse things to you, than I had planned."

"And look," Muna brought out her official press card and came to flash it at the man's face.

"If you try this thing, this nonsense you did ever again, I will broadcast your details and expose you on national television. You see, I'm a television presenter. And I have connections."

"Ahh! I no know ohh. Abegg."

"Ohh, but now, you know. And I will waste no time in informing my friends at the BBC about your crimes and an American popo will come for you. Nico will cover himself but I don't think so. You better don't try me," Muna threatened and she went back to sit on the roadside.

At that, Audrina let go of the man and shoved him into his car.

"Is this your car?"

"Yes," he answered.

"Get the hell out of here and don't let me see you at that bar ever again."

"Ahh, thank you, thank you. You no go see me there again, walai."

"If your oga asks you about this, tell him his niece will keep his secret."

He nodded, then got into his car and did a poor job at reversing and Audrina smashed the trunk of his car as he drove past her.

Audrina let out a deep exhale, bent to lean on her knees and looked at Muna. They actually needed some time to talk before they went home.

Where to start though...

★ ★ ★

Heyy lovelies!!
So update on my SUITS binging... Mike has just been released from prison and I think he was so smart with that final stunt he pulled with gallo. Super brilliant!!

I also started seeing TOPBOY. So sad to see Jason get burnt to death. That nigga never had any luck in life.
Stay safe y'all! 💜

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