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We meet so many people in life, but we connect with the hearts of very few! But sometimes we meet someone and feel like we have known them all our lives.

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Muna stared at the crowd around her and wondered how she hadn't passed out yet. The place felt like there was a bonfire in the middle of the hall and she was upfront, taking in all the heat firsthand.

Where was T.J. sef?
She needed to know what number he had written her name on so she would join the queue on time.

She had taken out her braids over the week and was wearing a wig, which was another discomfort in this inferno she had to be in. As she sat and searched for TJ in the crowd, she flung her hand fan back and forth like a maniac, but hot air was what she felt.

She was about to lose it. If only she could call him. TJ had a really annoying habit of setting his phone on silent mode every time he was out of the house but he always gets a notification on his apple watch when a call or text comes in.

She knew better than to call him. The guy doesn't even feel the wristwatch vibrate on his wrist and he always has to return tons of calls when he remembers to check his phone.

She finally found one of the boys. It was Kanyinsola. It seemed more like he found her.

"Hi Kanyinsola, Are you just coming?"

"Just coming, keh? I'm done with mine, oh."

"Goshh!" Muna squealed and cupped her face in her palms.

"I was about to head home when I spotted you. What happened, Muna? Have you done your thumbprint?" He asked with concern in his voice.

"No!" She answered with frustration and was close to crying now. How was she going to meet someone for the first time, feeling and looking as devastated as she currently seemed?

"Ahh. Why na? You even got here before I did."

"I can't seem to find TJ so I have no idea what number my name is and this queue isn't even moving. I'm losing my mind. And I can't stand this heat. I feel nauseous. I just want to get this sh*t done."

Kanyinsola sat by her side and told her to just breathe, then he directed her to where he last saw TJ. She thanked him and headed to the spot where Kanyinsola told her.

She found TJ smiling with some girls as they listened to his jokes and whatever he was telling them.

"TJ, do you have any idea how many times I've called you?" She said to him once she was a few inches from him and then stormed back into the hall.

TJ pressed his wristwatch and saw eleven missed calls from her. He immediately hurried after her and grabbed her arm to stop her.

"Muna, Muna, Muna, I'm sorry. I really thought you had finished with thumbprinting already. I'm sorry."

"What do you need?"

She calmed down and wiped her forehead with her handkerchief. She was fanning herself still. Her phone vibrated and she brought it out of her tote bag, then checked the notification.


-Where are you?

Nerves kicked in and she realized she wasn't in the mood to meet her yet.

"What number did you write my deets, so I can join the queue?" she asked TJ.

TJ looked around and when he looked back at her, she had a questioning look on her face.

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