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The property of attraction, which indicates that it can fall and rise, oscillate, and indefinitely disappear, shows us how unstable an indicator of true love attraction is.

★ ★ ★

Audrina asked again and began to stalk towards the bed, close to where Muna was. Muna's eyes remained on her.

Audrina sat on the edge of the bed, close enough for Muna too take in her beautiful features.

Damn, she had slightly muscular arms, with a half-sleeve tat that Muna just noticed for the first time. Audrina noted a bit of concern on Muna's face before Muna gave her an answer.

"Why what? I'm into you, Drina, and I find you attractive for reasons I can't seem to explain. What could I say? Drina, despite you being a goofball, or maybe because of it, I'd like to rip off your clothes and have your babies. Don't tell."

She smiled softly and stared at Audrina, who looked like she had something in her mouth.

Audrina threw her head back and let out laughter that got Muna smiling as well. They laughed for what seemed like two minutes, and everywhere slowly became silent after one of them said the three words.

Not those three words, but the other one.

"I'm into you." Audrina said softly and brushed the back of her hand against Muna's right cheek.

"I like that very much. I also like the sound of your laughter. Your laughter is so infectious, walai!" Muna said, then reached for her teacup and sipped the remaining contents in it, then picked up some biscuits and munched on them.

She placed the teacup back on the side table and turned towards Audrina.

"Another thing I love about you is that you're so gentle with me. It's been so long since anyone was this gentle with me."

"Muna," Audrina started.

"Yeah, why do you have that look?"
Audrina quickly shifted her weight, and Muna gasped in surprise when she saw how quickly Audrina suddenly straddled her stomach. She leaned down, hovering just a few inches above Muna's face, and gave Muna a warm smile.

"Muna, would you like to be my...?"

A terrifying, loud knock gives Muna a brief fright as she jumps a bit, and it also interrupts Audrina. She scowled even as she shook her head, got off the bed, and yelled at the door.

"Fuck off, man!"
Her twin brother, apparently, was the only one who gave her that signature knock on her door, and it pissed Audrina off every time. Well, she does the same thing to him too.

"Who was that? And I don't even know why I'm asking, because the person didn't say anything, but you knew already." Muna asked now, smiling, curiosity written all over her face.

Audrina got back onto the bed, and Muna snuggled closely to her and drew up the duvets over their bodies. She was definitely getting an air conditioner once she finally moved to her apartment, so she'd get accustomed to the chill. How else would she cope in Switzerland? Her dream country to visit.

"It's my brother. The most annoying of my brothers. My twin brother precisely."

Muna sat up, her eyes widening.

"He always knocks like a wild animal. His name is--" Audrina couldn't finish because Muna placed her index finger on her lips to silence her. Audrina's eyes widened as she went mute immediately.

"Shush first. You are a twin? Are you for real?" Muna was so surprised, it made Audrina smile.

Muna removed her finger from Audrina's lips and stared at her with a funny face.

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