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Welcome to the wonderful world of jealousy.
For the price of admission, you get a splitting headache, a nearly irresistible urge to commit murder, and an inferiority complex.

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Following Efe's directions and trying to walk as fast as possible, in order not to get the people in the club suspicious or anything, 

She got out through a doorway and asked the guard at the other end of it whether he had seen the "diva" at all but his response was too confusing. He sounded like a brute and Audrina didn't want to transfer her frustration to him.

She was jogging to the back of the club and spotted Muna. She stopped on her heels and rested her hands on her knee, trying to catch her breath.

"Hey you."

Audrina straightened up quickly and turned to see Folake leaning against the wall behind them.

"Why are you always catching me off guard?" Audrina asked her and started walking towards Muna.

Folake stopped her by coming to stand in front of her, placing her hands on her hips and looking Audrina up and down coquettishly.

"Off guard or not, honey, I'm just glad I keep running into you. Now, I just want to say thanks for keeping your word. I got an alert not long ago."

Audrina had her eyes on Muna and wanted desperately for Muna to see her, so she'd hold off on going anywhere. Folake needed to get out of her way, though.

"Oh that? Yeah, for your help, as promised, and you're welcome, Folake. Now, I know I said this the last time but I'm in a hurry." She started to move out from Folake's front but she was blocked again.

"Since  you've kept your own end of your promise, I'm here to also collect the other thing we agreed on." Folake took two steps closer to Audrina's side as she spoke.

"Uhmm, I don't think there's anything left to collect,"
Audrina took a big step back and raised an eyebrow inquiringly. "You helped me, and I made sure you got compensated. What else are you--?"

Folake silenced her with a swift move to her face and kissed her. Audrina's hands immediately pushed her away and she took another step back. 

"Drey? Seriously?"

Muna's voice brought her attention back to the car in front of her and her fury at Folake tripled.

"What the fuck was that?" She screamed at Folake and started running to the car. To Muna.

She pushed Folake out of her way and ran towards the car Muna had gotten into.

"No, no, no! Muna."
But before Audrina could reach the car, Muna got in the car and told the driver to go.

"Muna! Muna!!" She screamed at the car, then fell to her knees after she saw it make a turn.

She reached for her phone and tried calling Muna but she'd switched her phone to DND again.

Folake caught up with her and apologized but Audrina paid her no mind and simply stood up, then began walking to the entry she'd used when she first got to the club.

Her strides were wide and long.


Audrina found the power bike she'd used to get to the club and started it. Folake was struggling with taking long and fast strides now, trying to meet up behind her.

"I'm sorry if I caused any trouble for you." Folake said to her as Audrina climbed onto the power bike.

Audrina was livid and worried at the same time but she needed to be on her way.

"If? Of course you did cause troubles but I need to be on my way now and sort things out. I'm sorry too."

At that, she put on the helmet, revved the powerbike, and sped off.

"Be careful." Folake said in a whisper and went back into the club.

Aurina knew Muna must've seen Folake kiss her and would get the wrong idea of it but she didn't understand why she was willing to go and perform again.

Why did she get into the car voluntarily? Audrina didn't see any coercion of any sort or aas this the life she wanted now?

What reason could she possibly have for doing what she was doing? Audrina thought as she drove, trying to follow Muna's location from her phone. She was going to ask Muna all these questions when she found her. Again.

Audrina was on top speed now and it was a few minutes past four in the morning. Lagosians were already out and about their businesses but the traffic was minimal.

Could she catch up with Muna's car and do that without drawing unnecessary attention to them?

Both of them had not even sent word to their families about their whereabouts, although Audrina had partially sorted that out. But for how long could it hold up?

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