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The sun cast long shadows across the empty hallways of Greensprings High School as Xavier hurriedly packed his belongings into his backpack.

The mid-term break had finally arrived, offering a brief respite from the challenges of his dyslexia as an SS2 student and the trials of his teenage life. He had managed well this term but he missed his siblings.

Xavier's struggles with dyslexia, a condition that had made reading and writing a constant battle for him, but he maintained a quiet determination, navigating through each school day with resilience.

As he zipped up his backpack, he couldn't help but think about the girl who added both joy and complexity to his high school life—Mabel.

Mabel was a radiant presence in Xavier's world. She possessed an effortless charm that drew people towards her, including Xavier. However, her older brother, Martin, who was a senior in SS3, stood as an imposing figure in Xavier's life.

Martin, a senior and a key player in the school's lawn tennis team, had a knack for making Xavier's journey through high school more challenging.

The sound of tennis balls bouncing against the court echoed through the school grounds. Xavier glanced at the window, his thoughts momentarily drifting to the tennis team tryouts, where he would once again face Martin as a competitor.

Martin, with a reputation for being a bit of a bully, didn't make things easy for Xavier, especially when it came to Mabel.

As Xavier slung his backpack over his shoulder, he took a deep breath, ready to face the upcoming challenges. Little did he know that this mid-term break would be anything but ordinary.
As he made his way towards the school's entrance, his heart raced at the thought of the impending tennis tryouts next term. Suddenly, the familiar voice of Mabel broke through his anxious thoughts.

"Hey, Xavier, wait up!"
Turning around, Xavier saw Mabel approaching, her warm smile brightening his day.
"Hey, Mabel. Mid-term break is finally here."
"Yeah, and I was wondering if you'd like to catch up during the break. Maybe we could grab some coffee or something," Mabel suggested, her eyes twinkling with genuine interest.Xavier felt a surge of excitement but also a twinge of nervousness.

"Sure, that sounds great. Coffee sounds perfect."Just as the conversation took a promising turn, the atmosphere shifted as Martin emerged from the shadows, his tennis racket casually slung over his shoulder. A sly grin played on his face as he eyed Xavier.

"Hey, little buddy," Martin taunted, his tone dripping with condescension.

"You gearing up for the big tennis showdown? It's going to be a real spectacle watching you fumble on the court. E go funny dieee." His friends that fanned around him burst into laughter.

Xavier's cheeks reddened—a mixture of embarrassment and frustration. Mabel shot her brother an annoyed glance but remained silent.

Ignoring the provocation, Xavier mumbled, "Let's just focus on the game, Martin."
But Martin wasn't done. He leaned in closer, lowering his voice to ensure only Xavier could hear.

"You know, Mabel deserves someone who isn't a total loser. Maybe I should remind her of that."

The insult hit Xavier like a punch to the gut. He felt the sting of Martin's words, but he refused to back down. "Stay out of it, Martin."

Before things could escalate further, a sudden commotion drew everyone's attention. The murmurs of onlookers grew louder as a circle formed, and students began pulling out their phones to record the unfolding drama.

In the midst of the chaos, a tall figure emerged from the crowd. It was Dave, Xavier's older brother. A sense of relief washed over Xavier as he saw Dave approaching, ready to defuse the tension.

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