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There is no good and evil; there is only power and those too weak to seek it.


Muna took some steps back as he walked towards her. She felt a chill run down her spine even as fear crept in. There are two kinds of fears: rational and irrational—or, in much simpler terms, fears that make sense and fears that don't.

This was a very rational fear.

"Young lady, you will not like to know what happens to people who have seen what we do and don't partake in one way or another." He told her with a smile and a voice she knew too well to be threatening.


Nico nodded his head and brought a paper forward from behind him. Muna shifted, thinking he was coming to do something to or on her.

If this was a fucking dream, somebody better wake me tf up.

Muna shut her eyes tightly for a few seconds and opened them. She shifted her weight to her other foot and placed her hands akimbo.

He simply walked to her side, dropped the paper on the table, and, leaving a pen on it, walked away from her, sensing that his being close to her somewhat frightened her.

"But my friend was with me at the bar. You know she will definitely come looking for me, and she will find me. Plus, I have family members who are well connected, oh!" Muna tried her best to sound threatening.

"Not to worry, my precious. You will be back with your family before the day breaks." He said calmly. "Now, as for your friend, this place is untraceable, and even if she manages to find it, which I strongly doubt, the place is impregnable. Remember, I have no plans to hurt a beautiful damsel with a voice like yours. I'd be shooting myself in the leg if I did, and my clients will be disappointed if I let you go too. I never disappoint."

Muna knew it was something she had to do. Audrina would find her. She had to.

"What do I get out of this? You must have a heart somewhere in that big chest of yours." Muna asked boldly and returned her phone to the bag after trying for Audrina for the third time.

Muna was trying to see how all these could even benefit her. You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough, right? She might as well grab the bull by the horns and get this shitshow done and over with.

"You name your price; we pay you. A one-time deal, and that's it." Nico told her, and he sat on the plush sofa, crossing his ankles on his knees.

"Four million naira. Take it or leave it."

"Okay, that's not a prob—"

"Oh, wait, why don't we round it up to a solid round figure? Five million." Muna stated this and stamped her foot at the last word. She had seen movies where deals were made, she better not sign anything until the boss man had agreed to it.

"Sign the paper, and we have a deal." Nico gestured to the table behind her, and she picked up the paper and thoroughly read it.

She didn't skim through it like she'd skim a novel before deciding to read it. This was her life, and she knew what it meant to put your signature on a document of this sort. You must do everything stated in it.

She had to perform for three hours, singing any song of her choice and being as professional as necessary. She was to wear whatever was given to her. She was to dance with one of the clients of Nico's choosing, and if he wanted something more, she had to give it to him.

"Sorry, I do not understand what this something more implies. I need to know exactly what I'm signing to do. Tell me what 'something more' means." Muna asked with her straightest face.

"Now, Miss—" Nico snapped his finger at her, asking for her name.


"Ehen, Miss Muna, my diva for tonight. Please, do not play coy with me. I know very well that you do know what that phrase implies."

He got up and walked to her.

"Do we have a deal or not?"

"So, I'm to just take your word that you'll pay me? I may look young and broke, but I'm not dumb. Khalid wasn't singing about me in that song of his. I need you to make the transfer now."

"Who's Khalid?" Nico asked with slightly raised brows.

"Uhmm nevermind. All I'm saying is I need proof."

Nick reached into the inner pocket of his suit and brought out his phone.

He could feel Muna's eyes on him, and her breath fanned his hands as he pressed buttons on his phone.

"Call out your account number." Nico said.
She recited her account details to him and hoped her phone wouldn't ding too loudly for him to hear.


He raised the phone to her face and she read the debit message on his bank app.

"You'll get the remaining two milli, after your performance. Now do we have a deal?" He stretched out his right hand to her and returned his phone to his pocket.

Muna felt so tensed when he stood in front of her and remembered she was yet to release the pressure in her bladder, but she was going to find a way to escape before there was a need for something more.


They shook hands, and she signed the paper that he collected as he headed out of the room. She felt her phone vibrate behind her on the table she leaned on and she was glad he had moved away.

★ ★ ★
PS: I'm so sorry guys for the late update. I got so busy with some work but I hope you enjoyed this chapter...
More Ness otw for our main characters.
Please keep up voting :)
tysm 💜

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