18 3 1

Never regret the feelings you express on the edge of vulnerability. It is in the revealing of the unrevealed depths that you become human in this feigned world. For a moment, you lose what almost killed you inside, and suddenly a song, a poem comes to life. This is how great stories are born—out of a moment of truth in a hollow world.

★ ★ ★

With all the cards on the table now, Muna forgot about how she'd felt when she saw some random girl kiss Audrina.

"It's fine, Drey. Apology accepted." Muna told her finally, as she held Audrina's hands and told her in an assuring voice. 

"Thank you!" Audrina said gleefully, "She's not even my type, tsk!"

"And I'm your type?" Muna teased.

"I wouldn't risk my life like I did tonight if you weren't. Do you know what I had to do? Let's not even get into that." She started laughing as they walked slowly.

"Interesting." Muna said and rested her head on Audrina's shoulder.

"Alright, now that we have our lives in order, let's head back to sanity."

"Yes, please," Muna said.

"I've ordered a ride, and it's ETA is around seven to ten minutes."

Muna raised her head to look at Audrina.

"Wait, you ordered another Uber? After..."

Audrina laughed and rubbed her left temple.

"Are you scared?" She asked Muna.

"Of course I am. Who wouldn't be?"

"But I'm here with you, Muna."

"Duhh, you were with me the first time."

Audrina took Muna's hands in hers and rubbed them gently.

"And look what happened. I found you. I won't let anything happen to you, Muna."

"Thank you."

"What for?"

"For coming to get me, and for saying that." Muna was looking into her eyes intently.

"My pleasure." Audrina said that and got on her feet, pulling up with her.

"Where to now? Isn't our ride close?"

Audrina opened her phone and showed her the screen.

"If it'll make you feel better, princess, as you can see, I ordered a Taxify, and it's almost at the pick-up location."

"This place wouldn't be on the map, so I'm guessing the location isn't here?" Muna asked as she gathered her things.


Muna shrugged and rested her weight on one foot. "So, how would we get to the pickup location? Drey, I'm too exhausted to walk, and you're probably feeling the same way too."


Muna looked at Audrina, and when she didn't say anything, she followed her eyes to see what she was looking at.

It was the power bike.

"You want to drive us on that bike! That huge power bike?"

"Yep. Didn't you see me on that thing when I got here? I rode the crap out of it. Come on, let's go."

She waited for Audrina to elaborate on a destination. "And?"

Audrina moved closer to Muna and gently kissed the nape of her neck. "What do you think?"

Muna couldn't help but gasp with delight. "Oh, wow."

She opened her palm to Muna, and she took it.

Muna swallowed. "I'm kind of embarrassed at how excited I am about that."

"It's okay, Muna. We've all got our turn-ons."

"I'm not turned on joor. I said 'excited'." Muna chirped in defensively.

"Hmmm okay. So, why are your nipples distractingly perky all of a sudden."

Muna looked away and shook her head.

"Ehn eehhnn, realyyyy princess? Just excitement, right?" She pulled at the last syllable when she said 'really.'

Muna was quiet, even though a little smile crept on the side of her lips.

They both got on the bike, and Audrina handed Muna the helmet she'd used. It was the only one available.

"So, you have cultists as friends?" Muna asked sarcastically.

"Hell nah! I was just bluffing, babe." Audrina replied in between laughs.

"And you, you know folks at BBC, huh?"

Muna laughed. "Yeah, we were on a bluffing spree."

Audrina powered on the power bike and felt Muna wrap her arms around her midsection, then they headed to the spot where she'd found the power bike.

They arrived in no time and noticed nobody was there, so she parked it by a wall and made sure to inform the mallam across the road to let the owner know how sorry she was for taking it.

Why was the mallam's shop still open at one in the morning though? She thought as she walked back to where Muna waited. Moments later, the ride arrived.

"What's your name?" They asked in unison and looked at each other immediately.

They smiled and leaned to the window to hear the man, and then, after Audrina confirmed he was the same person on the app, she opened the door for Muna to go in first, then she followed.

Normally, she would've turned around to the other side of the car to get in but she wasn't taking any chances. Not after tonight. As Ayra Starr said in gen-z anthem, once bitten twice shy, I dey hear word.

They arrived at Audrina's house faster than they'd thought, but with the empty roads and clear highways, it was reasonable.

They alighted and after Audrina had paid the driver, she opened the gates with her personal key and led Muna in.

"Do you have dogs?" She asked as they entered the compound.

"Yup, but they're in their kernels. I'd release them soon as I get you in."

"Nah, I'd wait here; go do what you need to."

Audrina thought to insist but she didn't want them to argue now, plus it was really late.


Audrina released the dogs and set some food for them, which they got busy chewing immediately. She rubbed them a bit and left them. When the food was finished, they'd definitely switch back to security duties.

She went back to Muna and walked with her into the house. Her house.

★ ★ ★ 

Hiii darlings! I really hope y'all are enjoying the book so far. Remember to keep upvoting as you read, please :( It's pretty much one of the few ways that I can know I'm doing something right. The other way is by leaving comments wherever and whenever.
Now, some of y'all have been wondering if there's any smut between our main love interests. Well,  I'm so sorry there isn't :(( lmfaoo, who am I without smuts?
Why don't you find out in the next chapter?!
SUITS Update
I'm a bit disappointed that Rachel gave in to misturr Logie!?? hmphh!! poor Mikey.

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