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The need to depend on other people's availability to enjoy life is a personality disorder that many 'extroverts' have. Some won't even go to a restaurant alone or enjoy a movie at the cinema alone. It's really sad.


Muna's POV

The day for the outreach came and corps members assembled at the LGA meeting grounds, polythene bags in hand. Some carried some fancy shopping bagss, which were filled with all sorts of items,, including clothes, consumables, gift packs,, and footwear.

Muna and her siblings had some items they had packed up to offer to the needy and poor at their church, so she seized this opportunity to give them out to the cause of the outreach.

But the items were a lot; how would she carry them all to the meeting grounds? Should she even carry perishable items? When she was unsure about what to do, she had to make some inquiries from a member of the charity group Excos, but she didn't know any of them in person and she was not sure she was ready to post up a question on the general WhatsApp group.

Ughhh! The thought of chatting on the group chat wasn't welcomed so she thought of sending a direct message to one of the excos instead.

She woke up quite early that Friday morning, so she had about 40 minutes to spare after dressing up, so she opened the WhatsApp group chat and went to the group info.

Scrolling through the names of the group participants, she looked for Ralia's contact information information. She couldn't figure out which was her number, so she went back to the chats and scrolled through recent messages on the group chat.

Since she wasn't going to be around today, Ralia, who would be filling in for her, must've posted some messages for the group, so people know what to do and how to go about it.

"Good morning,, fellow corps members. As mentioned, our outreach today would be to the slums on the far end of the the Lekki Peninsula, so guys, everyone should endeavour to assemble at the LGA before 10 a.m. We would provide some means of transportation for the first 50 people at the LGA, so please let's try to come early. Also, let's be reminded that we are all to bring along any gift item that is presentable, such as clothes, shoes, toiletries, groceries, etc. We would be visiting an orphanage at Ikoyi after we're done in Lekki, but that's only if we're done before noon; I know many of us would be exhausted by then. If anyone isn't clear about anything, kindly send me a message.
Thank you. Ralia, vice president,, charity cds group, etiosa 1.

Her forehead creased as she went over the message Ralia had sent quite early that morning. She long-pressed the message and then tapped "reply privately..".

She DM'd Ralia and asked her some questions about the outreach. This was their first WhatsApp chat so Muna's messages just sat there, lonely on the screen, waiting for a reply so it could become an actual "chat..".

They delivered. She got up from her bed, packed up her tote bag with the same things she always went to group meetings with, removed her phone from DND and headed out.

She went to the sitting room and carried the big shopping bag she had packed up with some of the items she intended on contributing to the cause of the outreach,, then headed to the LGA.

Still no reply.

Muna needed an answer before she arrived at the LGA, and Ralia was taking forever to open her message. She decided to do what was in the back of her head all the while and then took out her phone. It was 6:48 a.m.

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