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I really really really really don't want to go to my soccer game tonight. The first day back from break and I already have to kick a ball around. I know I was the one who signed up to play soccer so maybe I'm not allowed to complain. I've done it ever since I was little and it feels wrong to quit, even though I don't feel for it as much anymore.

I sighed as I flopped onto my bed.

I thought about what Grayson said. And then I remembered Pierce coldly staring at me during P.E. and I audibly groaned.

Why does this have to be so hard?

Why does Pierce have to be good at everything? Why does it have to be Pierce? Why can't Grayson be good at photography? I can stand Grayson, I can tolerate him. I felt like the world was against me right now.

How many fucking hobbies does Mr. Grinch have anyway? How does he have time for it all? I'm not buying it. He's not real. He must be a robot. No man is good at that many things.

I kept thinking about it. Would it really be that bad? I know he's a big ole grump and stuff but I really need the grade. Maybe it was worth the sacrifice.

Eventually the thought left my mind and I started watching tv.

After a couple episodes of Gilmore Girls Dean popped his head into my room. My brother Dean, not Dean from the show if there was any confusion.

"You gonna get ready for your game? It's starts in an hour and it takes 30 minutes to get to the school you're playing at. It's in the middle of buttfuck nowhere. You need to be there early for warm ups and shit."

"Yeah I'm on it." I said sitting up.

Sometimes I felt like Dean was more like a dad to me than my dad ever was. He left when I was 9. I've gotten over it, mostly. But Dean is always driving me places, reminding me things, making sure I'm on time. He feels like a parent, not a brother. And that's kind of sad. I feel bad for him.

I slid into my jersey and soccer shorts. Pulled on my socks and tied up my cleats. Lastly I put my hair up into a tight ponytail and smoothed down the top so the baby hairs didn't pop out.

I filled up my water bottle and grabbed my soccer bag, chucking into the backseat of my brother's car.

I blew out a breath as Dean put the car in drive and pulled away from our street.

"Can we make a quick stop?" I asked quietly.

He furrowed his eyebrows and had a confused look, "where? Make it quick."

I didn't exactly tell him where we were going, but I pointed and told him where to turn.

He winded through the neighborhood adjacent to ours until reaching the destination. It wasn't far. I could walk to it if I really needed and it'd only take about 10 minutes.

"Pierce Bennett's house? What do you want with Pierce Ben-"

"I just need to talk to him, it'll only be a minute." I gritted out as I opened the door and quickly got out. I saw the familiar Camaro, though it was in the driveway instead of the garage this time. The top was up, unlike it had been previously.

I walked up the pathway to the porch and hopped up the steps quickly.

I raised my hand to knock on the door, but before I made contact it swung open.

I stood face to face with Pierce, unexpectedly. We both looked at each other with surprised expressions. I'm sure he was more surprised than I was considering he wasn't expecting anyone behind his front door, let alone me.

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