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What the fuck.

My head was throbbing with a deadly headache when I woke up. I groaned, but something was not good.

I was going to throw up. I stood up off my bed and raced out of the room, down the hall, and to the bathroom. I immediately got down by the toilet and puked.

I let it all out before wiping my mouth on the back of my hand.

I flushed the toilet and stood up, going to wash my hands. I did just that before splashing my face with water. I looked up in the mirror as I wiped my face with a hand towel.

Something was off. This definitely was not my bathroom. I wasn't even in my house. Meaning that was not my bed I was in. I tried to recall last night and how I could possibly be here. Wherever here was.

I opened the door to the bathroom and peered out into the hallway. I recognized it. I combed through my memory and finally realized that I was in Pierce's house. How?

I noticed a door across the hall that was open and had a distant noise coming from it. It wasn't his room, I knew that for sure.

I slowly crept over to it and looked into the room, seeing something I never expected.

Pierce was standing in the middle of the room, a nursery, humming a song. He was shirtless, only in a pair of sweatpants, holding a baby in his hands. The baby had tears staining its face but seemed to be calming down. Pierce was rocking it back and forth in his arms as he tried to lull it back to sleep.

It was attractive, I couldn't lie about that.

"That kid yours?" I teased, knowing it wasn't.

His head snapped towards me and he shook his head, "she's my sister."

"It was a joke. I know it's not your kid." I rolled my eyes at his lack of understanding.

"How old is she?" I asked as I stepped closer to him, looking at the cute baby.

"Almost a year old."

"That's a big age difference between you two." I tried to laugh but he didn't think it was really funny.

"What's her name?" I started again.


"Oh um-"

"I hate it." He cut me off, "it's stupid."

I couldn't hold back my laugh, "it's um...unique for sure."

"It's bad."

I chuckled as I shook my head.

"My dad's stupid ex girlfriend named it." He stated as he rocked the baby.



"What happened."

"She left about 6 months after she gave birth to Saturn Grace Bennett." Pierce grimaced, "I can't believe my dad let her name his child that."

"Why'd she leave?" I asked, knowing I could be overstepping but I kind of just wanted to hear this story.

"Cause she's a piece of shit. She's only like 10 years older than me."

"Oh wow. How old is your dad?" I raised my eyebrows.


"Oh, that's quite an age difference."

Pierce nodded, "she didn't even love him, but he was too oblivious to notice that."

Has he ever talked this much in his life before? This was weird. But I didn't want it to stop. I needed him to keep talking so it would continue to happen between us. I couldn't bare him hardly saying anything to me when we were together.

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