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Third person point of view

5 years later

5 years is a lot of time for self reflection, and that's all Allie did for those years after Pierce.

Now, Pierce Bennett was a famous musician with 2 albums that both hit top of the charts soon after releasing.

Currently, he was on tour for his most recent album and every show had completely sold out.

Allie decided to write him a letter, even though it was unlikely he would see it. She was unsure if he even remembered her after his recent fame. People often get absorbed in it, so it wouldn't be surprising if he didn't pay any mind to his old life.

She spent time on the letter, really reflecting on herself and how she had changed.

The letter read:

"Dear Pierce,

It's me, Allie. The girl who screwed you over in high school if you remember. If you did forget then I'm sorry for reminding you. I just wanted to say sorry and, well, tell you how you changed my life. That sounds dramatic.
But anyway, I know I was a terrible person in high school and I acknowledge that. There's no excuse for what I did and I'm not going to try to make an excuse. Every day I'm sorry for how I hurt you and I don't expect you to forgive me, I just need you to know that.
After you moved away I did some thinking and realized everywhere I went wrong and every lesson you taught me. I realized all you did for me. I realized that maybe if I had loved myself the way you did things between us might've worked out. I believe the root in a lot of the problems I had and created in high school was because of the hatred I had for myself. The way I treated myself caused a lot of issues for me and the people around me and I'm sorry for that.
Since then I've changed, at least I think. I've started treating my body better in every way. I'm nicer to myself, I eat more, I exercise, and give myself time to heal. I don't think I ever would have gotten to this point without you. You showed me such love and care and once you were gone I realized I needed to be treating myself the same way.
That summer I stopped drinking and smoking and I felt much better in many ways. I think my unhealthy habits contributed to how unwell I was. The only time I drink now are on special occasions and now it's a little less unhealthy because it's legal. I can understand now why 21 is the legal drinking age. Because idiot teenagers like me abuse it.
Spending time with you was the best thing that happened to me and you taught me so much directly and indirectly. I will always be grateful for that and ashamed that I took more from that relationship than I gave.
I don't expect you to read this, much less respond, but by chance that you do and you ever want to talk to me again my phone number is still the same. Have a good day.
Allie Crawford"

She sent it out hesitantly, a little worried of all the possibilities of how this could end. He received it like any other piece of mail addressed to his name. He always read through all his mail even if they were stacks and stacks of fan mail.

He opened the letter by ripping the top off the envelope. Though the thought had crossed Allie's mind that he didn't remember her, he recognized just her handwriting on the letter and knew it was her.

His heart beat picked up when he saw it. The pretty twirly print caught his eye and he could hardly believe it.

He read through it quickly, shocked that she had sent him something.

It was a week before she checked her mail box again. She was surprised to see an envelope with her name in the middle and his in the top left corner.

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