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Sometimes I wonder if Fridays are better than Saturdays. Of course Saturdays seem like the better option because of no school and it's officially the weekend and all. The way I see it is that Friday is the weekend appetizer. You spend the day anticipating the weekend and feeling so happy that you're almost there. Once you actually get to Saturday, you don't appreciate it as much because you're there. Never know what you have until it's gone type of thing.

Plus, Friday night is like the start of it all. The weekend begins once school is out Friday. You've got the whole thing ahead of you and it's all excitement.

And this Friday has been great so far. I expected to wake up to my mom throwing a huge fit about me being gone at a party last night and coming home drunk.

Instead, I got: "hey honey, how did you sleep?"

It was refreshing not to be yelled at. I'm still not sure how she didn't find out. I must've been pretty loud when I came home. And I'm surprised Pierce's loud footsteps went unnoticed.

I left the house with my school bag, some water, and a semi-full stomach from the food I had ate last night.

The day went by quick, every class seemingly faster than the last. Now it was over and I was walking through the parking lot to Dean's car when Jasmine called my name.

"Allie!" I heard as she stomped up to me. I whirled my head around to see her out of breath from chasing after me.


"Want to go to the school hockey game tonight?" She asked as she stood up straight and put on a smile.

"Sure." I smiled back, glad that I now had plans.

I sent Dean a text and followed Jasmine to her car. The sun was shining despite the somewhat cold weather.

"What time?" I asked.

"Well, now." She scratched her head as she opened the driver's side door, "the game starts in about an hour, but it's kind of far. I figured we could stop for a drink before we go."

"Oh yeah, sure."

I slid into the seat and buckled up before turning up the volume dial.

"It's playing off my phone, you can change it if you want." Jasmine said before tossing her phone into my lap.

I noticed her phone was connected to the car by Bluetooth, playing music from her Spotify app.

"Oh, it's fine I don't care." I replied as I placed her phone in the cup holder.

I watched as she put the car in drive and zoomed out of the parking lot. She sang along to the music that was blasting through the car speakers. I didn't recognize the song, but she knew it by heart.

I always hated that feeling, the feeling of being left out of it. I wanted to know the songs everyone else knew. It's stupid and I know that, but I wish I could sing along too. I always made a point to listen to people's music that I didn't know already.

I just listened patiently as she tapped her fingers on the steering wheel.

Soon we pulled up to a gas station and she parked. We both got out of the car at the same time and shut our doors at once. The light wind blew my hair around just a bit and I shoved it out of my face.

A bell rang as we walked in the door and the woman at the cash register waved. I smiled back before going deeper into the small shop. Jasmine and I separated as she went to the snacks and I went to the drinks. I looked at the row of glass doors that held all the drinks behind them. I immediately found the soda and smiled.

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