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Allie Crawford

I walked through the halls after school with my headphones stuck in my ears and blasting sad music. It had been raining all day which meant I had to listen to sad music. I don't make the rules, that's just how things are. It was almost the end of the week. It was Thursday. So close to Friday I could taste it.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned my head right before I ripped my earbud out. I looked at Pierce who was now walking next to me.

My music played in one ear while the other waited for Pierce to start talking. I gave him a look that said "what?"

"When are we going to do your photography thing this week? It's almost the end of the week." He asked in a low voice.

"Today." I gave a smile.

"Today?" He questioned.

"That's what I said, didn't I?"


"Cool. So, can I come over?" I asked as I pulled my other ear bud out, cutting off my music.

"I guess so." He scratched his head.

We walked to his car, taking our time since the rain had stopped and we weren't getting wet by standing outside.

Once we got inside, I shivered and wrapped myself up in my arms. I wore a a red cable knit sweater and blue straight legs jeans. They cut off right at my ankles to show my high top red converse that I always wore.

"You cold?" Pierce asked before I nodded. He blasted the heat in his car and started the engine. He didn't seem cold. He was wearing a grey hoodie with a black and white flannel over it. Baggy black pants and black converse also accompanied the outfit.

"What's the prompt this week?" His deep voice rumbled from the drivers seat.

"Capture something in movement." I said as I brought my knees up to my rest by resting my heels on the car seat. I hugged them to my chest to try and keep warm.

"Hm." He muttered.

"I know where I want to go." I said.

"Where?" He asked.

"Can I drive?" A big smile broke out on my face.


"What? Please."


"Come on." I poked his shoulder.

"Allie, you're a bad driver."

"I was bad on purpose last time."

"I don't think so."

"Please. I'll be extra careful."

"It's raining." He glared at me.

"It stopped raining 10 minutes ago." I smiled big.

"The roads are still wet."

"I've driven in the rain before."


"Pierce, come on. Grow up."

"Your driving makes me nervous."

"Pleaseeeeee." I dragged out of the word.


"Please." I cut him off, "Please. Please. Please."

He sighed.

"I'll go slow and be super careful."

"Fine." He shut his eyes, "Fine. Fine. Fine."

"YAY." I screeched in excitement.

"If you speed even the tiniest bit I'm never talking to you again." He mumbled.

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