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A day of rest and religious worship.

Fuck that, I'm going to hell.

I needed to get out of the house or I felt like I was going to go crazy. I spent all of Saturday doing nothing and it was boring as fuck. I thrived off of fun. I wasn't the type of person who could sit back and waste their days resting.

I'll rest when I'm dead.

I called up all of my friends asking, no more like begging, that they spend the day with me. They all gave lame excuses of why they couldn't. All ranging from studying to cleaning to being tired. Be fucking real, no one does any of that shit on the weekend. We don't have time to be tired.

I groaned as I rolled over in bed.

It was only eleven a.m. and my day already seemed like it was going to shit. I needed to make plans with someone.

A friend particularly.

The next best thing, I decided, was my brother.

I stalked into his room to find him sitting in his desk chair playing videos games. He had his headset on while he raged over the animations on the small computer screen.

"Dean." I stated, trying to get his attention.

He didn't hear me because he ignored me and continued playing, which he never did when he noticed I needed something. Something I was grateful for because I have no patience.

"ON ME! THEY'RE ON ME! GUYS I NEED BACKUP!" He screamed into his microphone that was connected to the headphones.

"Jesus fucking Christ." I muttered as I rolled my eyes.

He aggressively pounded at a few keys on the keyboard as the little character moved around the screen.


"What!?" He yelled back at me.

"I'm bored, will you come do something with me."

"No, I can't."


"Can't you see I'm in a game?"

I rolled my eyes, "seriously, you'd rather do that than something fun?"

"Yes, actually."

"Fine, then can I take your car?"

"What? No."

"Dean! Why?"

"Cause you're irresponsible."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes you are." He shot back as another round of his game started up.

"What would ever give you the impression of me being irresponsible?"

He glared at me as a small smile on my face turned into a chuckle. We both knew I was bullshitting.





"Pretty please."

"Aww. No."

"Dean, come on. Please, please, please, please, please."

"No, no, no, no, no."

"I'm not gonna leave you alone until you say yes."

"Oh god."

"Please. I'll be super careful. Please. I'm just gonna go to the arcade or something. Please, I'm bored."

Hell is a Teenage Girl Where stories live. Discover now