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"So why'd you want to come back here?" Pierce asked me as we walked into his house.

Don't make me say it.

"Oh I don't know, just bored, horny, wanting to hangout."

"Right." He nodded as he walked toward the kitchen, "you can hangout in my room if you'd like, I'm just gonna get a drink real quick."

I didn't reply but I took the suggestion and started up the stairs. His house was always pretty clean and it amazed me considering he lived with a baby. Usually they're messy and with the amount of time put into them you never have time to tidy up.

I walked into his room and saw that it was pretty clean as well. What did this guy even do with his life?

Bed was made. Floor was spotless minus a pair of shoes. No cups on the bedside table. No dirty clothes strewn all over. His room was the complete opposite of mine regarding cleanliness.

I spotted the guitar hanging on the wall and smiled as I quickly walked over to it. I grabbed it off the wall carefully, and put it over me just like it had been before when I played it with Pierce.

I smiled as I put my hand randomly over the strings at the top and then strummed down the middle. It sounded bad. I didn't know why. It didn't sound like it had before, loud and electrifying.

I frowned as I examined it and wondered what the deal was. Was it broken?

"It's not plugged into the amp, genius." I heard Pierce's deep voice bounce around the room. I turned my head and looked at him.

I looked down at the guitar and he was right. I reached for the cord and plugged it in. Then I tried again and the noise was loud and bold and vibrated through me. I giggled at it and then looked at Pierce. He held a Mountain Dew and a Sprite.

I smiled at the fact he gets me the soda I like and he seemed to understand what my smile conveyed. He cracked it open for me and held it out. I took it thankfully, and sipped it slowly before setting it down on his desk right next to me.

Then I looked at the guitar. Wanting to play it without actually knowing how to play it was frustrating. Pierce looked me up and down and it looked like he was itching to take it from me and play the strings.

I smiled before taking the strap off of me and holding it out for him to take. He did without even a slight change in his expression. He had already set down his soda before he took the guitar. He glanced at me before looking down at the instrument and playing a fucking cool riff.

My lips slightly parted in amazement at how well and effortlessly he played it. When he looked back up at me and saw the look on my face he gave a small shit-eating grin.

"How are you so good at that?" I whispered. I think he chose to ignore me.

"Is your dad home?" I asked after a few seconds of silence.

"On a business trip. Baby is with a sitter for the few days he's gone."

"Got the house to yourself, huh?" I smiled as I walked a little closer to him. He let go of the guitar and just let it hang around his body. I observed the way he reacted to me moving in on him.

"Looks like it." Was all he muttered before he took off the guitar and hung it up on the wall. He walked back over and just stood around, but I closed the space.

When I was a short distance from him, my eyes flicked down to the gold cross that hung around his neck. I reached my hand out and touched it. He didn't flinch, but he almost seemed like he was going to.

"Can I stay over tonight?" I whispered close to him.

"If you'd like." He breathed out unsteadily and I messed with his chain.

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