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Well, it had been a couple of days. It was Friday now and I had stopped at home for a little bit before Dean was going to take me to my soccer game. This time is was at my school, so we didn't have to leave as early.

I walked downstairs and opened the fridge, feeling hungry. I tried to at least eat a little bit before I had a game or else I'd feel run down and wouldn't be able to play well enough. The fridge bored me so I went to the pantry.

I found a bag of chips and pulled them from the shelf. Only a little won't hurt, right? As I turned around the sight of my mom made me jump.

"Jesus, you scared me!"

"Sorry." She chuckled, "I just got off of work a little early."

"That's good." I smiled back as I opened up the bag I was holding.

My mom's eyes averted down to what I was holding before she looked back up at me.

"You're seriously going to eat that? Don't you think you've had enough junk food?"

The smile fell from my face as I looked at her with a blank stare.

She sighed before she left the room and walked upstairs. I immediately shoved the bag back away and left the kitchen.

Soon we had to leave and I made sure I had all of my soccer things, as well as a full water bottle.

Dean started up the car and pulled away from our house as I stared out the window. I was more than happy that my mom never attended one of my games, she would probably just nitpick everything I did anyway.

When Dean pulled into the school parking lot it was already dark outside. I hate winter time. I also hated that varsity games were later than junior varsity because it was always darker and colder.

It wasn't long before I was out on the field playing. The first half of the game was slow and tedious. Hardly anyone scored because our teams barely made it to the ends of the field. The ball kept getting stolen from each of us over and over again. Until finally the other team got to our goal and made a wicked shot that our goalie had no chance of blocking.

Then it was halftime and there was a 10 minute break wedged between the two halves of the game. Just enough time to drink some water, go to the bathroom if needed, maybe have a snack.

Maeve and I talked about the other players who were pretty good and how we were going to go about this. We needed to win and we had to target the best players to weaken their team as a whole.

It had only been a couple minutes into the break when someone tapped my shoulder. I whipped my head around to see Pierce standing before me.

Oh good god. Why is he here?

He was the last person I wanted to see tonight if I'm being honest. I hadn't talked to him since we hooked up earlier in the week and I wanted it to stay that way. I wasn't exactly the type of girl who liked to mingle with their sexual partners afterward. I wasn't a cuddler. I wasn't the type who liked to have lighthearted conversations in between hookups.

I had been purposely avoiding him and I'm sure he noticed. During P.E. I avoided him. Never once looking in his direction or engaging in conversation even if he was supposed to be on my team for a sport. If I saw him in the hallway I walked the other way immediately. I just didn't want to put myself in that awkward position of possibly having to talk to him.

"Can we talk?" Pierce asked as he pointed his thumb backward.

"Um, sure." I said weakly as Maeve gave me a weird look.

I followed him to whatever private location he was going to in order to have this conversation. It ended up being behind the bleachers in a dark secluded area.

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