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And so we got drunk...

For the next 2 hours Chase and I drank our sorrows away and the pain turned into laughter. The discomfort of my life faded away with each passing minute and I felt more free.

I forgot that he ever hurt me and I forgot about the void in my heart that could only be filled by him. But I couldn't fill the void, even if he wanted to. Even if I wanted to so bad. 

He held my hand as we danced around the living room. The speaker was blasted up and it was all 2000s club music. The alcohol running through my system made the music seem so much louder and exciting. I had never felt such a need to dance in my life.

I moved my body to the beat, not very conscious of how I looked or what I was doing. I just knew I was having fun. Chase seemed to be having just as much fun as I was. He was not the best dancer, but the vibe he brought made the rest of it seem insignificant. The smile on his face brightened the room and his eyes sparkled like a diamond in the sun.

After five more minutes, I stopped. I took a deep breath and looked around. It was only a couple seconds before the nausea set in and I needed to get to a bathroom immediately.

"Are you okay?" Chase asked as he stopped dancing as well.

I shook my head.

"I think I'm gonna be sick." I put my hand over my mouth and turned around to look for a bathroom.

Chase appeared by my side and walked me to the closest door. He opened it and thankfully it was a bathroom. The light was flicked on and I fell to floor, desperate to get to the toilet. I opened the lid and as soon as I did, I puked.

I heard the door click shut and Chase pulled my hair back as I kept puking. I looked in the toilet and saw the small amount of food I had eaten this morning. The rest of what came out was just liquid. It burned my throat as it came out, but I was too drunk to even really care.

Chase pat my back once before sitting down beside me with his back resting against the sink cabinet. I breathed and leaned back against the wall across from the toilet, making Chase and I face opposite directions.

He ripped a piece of toilet paper off the roll and wiped my face with it before tossing it in the bowl and flushing it all down.

I closed my eyes and began to feel nauseous again so I opened them. I think I need to focus on something. Everything seemed unsteady and not intricate enough to keep my mind on. Except Chase.

I looked at him and suddenly the room started to spin and my head felt light and airy.

"Shit." I mumbled.

"Are you going to do it again?" He looked a little afraid considering I was facing him.

"Hm, I don't know." I said in a strained voice, "I don't know what else there is to puke up."

He nodded.

"I just feel sick."

"Do you remember the first time I puked because of alcohol?" Chase started to laugh with a dumb smile on his face.

"That camping trip?" I smiled.

"Yeah. I can't believe our parents didn't notice the alcohol I was taking from the cooler."

"Oh I think they noticed, but I'm pretty sure they were just too drunk and giddy to care."

"Actually?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Yes, they definitely noticed, Chase."

"Fuck, I thought I was being sneaky."

"Definitely not." I smiled.

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