Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

    Under the scorching sun, a boy with yellow hair walked to the van with a bottle of mineral water, knocked on the window, "Hey chick, here you are", and then

    passed someone in through the window, "Laozi, I finally found the water." , Damn it, it’s only been a few days, the gas station has been turned upside down, and those bastards have not left a single hair.” Seeing Lu Xi looking at him, leaning against the side of the car with her hands crossed, “Don’t be too Touched, if I hadn't looked at you so pitifully, I wouldn't have cared about you." She turned her head proudly and looked ahead.

    Lu Xi knew that the child had suffered from secondary illness again, but she was still very moved. Strangers who have only known each other for a few days are much better than relatives who have grown up together since childhood.

    Lu Xi suddenly looked into Wang Ke's eyes seriously, and said seriously, "Thank you, Xiao Ke." The

    girl's eyes were shining brightly, and she sincerely thanked her. "Hmph, you're welcome, thank you now, I've helped you so many times before! Just don't hold me back." After saying this, he ran away.

    Wang Ke thought in his heart, wouldn't it be embarrassing for the little girl to see me blushing if I don't run away, how can I be her boss in the future, how can I cover her... However, I didn't expect this little girl to still Quite good looking.     Lu Xi was drinking water, looking strangely at how the arrogant yellow hair ran away just now, she couldn't figure it out, Lu Xi shook her head, she really didn't understand the children now!     I haven't finished drinking the water. Although I will arrive in City A in an hour, everyone hasn't drunk water for a long time along the way. I finally met a gas station, but it was robbed. Lu Xi knows that there is still It's just the beginning, the post-apocalyptic world will be much more chaotic than it is now. Murder and robbery are commonplace. It was not until the completion of the base that some order was restored, but it was completely impossible to return to the original civilized society. After the end of the world, the strong are respected!     I left most of the bottle of water for Wang Ke, the child's lips were white and dry, and he gave all the water to himself. Lu Xi said that the old sister was very moved!     I don't know where Wang Ke went. Lu Xi took out her mobile phone and played a small stand-alone game boringly.

    Games to pass the time.

    Several people from Tang Yu who went to buy gasoline came back, but they only brought back a little oil. Those people not only wiped out the food, but also took away all the gasoline. Gasoline is still very precious and scarce in the last days.

    Luckily, Lu Xi bought a lot of gasoline, and also bought a few cars, oh, and a tractor, not to mention the high seat, and the shovel, which is simply a life-saving artifact in the last days.     For this reason, she also went to Xingxiang to learn mining technology...well, just kidding, in fact, she went to learn B-BOX O(∩_∩)O Haha~     After refueling the car, everyone went to City A.     It was already the seventh day of the outbreak of the apocalypse. City A had turned into a dead city. Everyone separated in City A and went back to their homes.     Tang Yu left the van to the back chef and others, and pried a private car. The car was very clean, and there was a family portrait on the rearview mirror. The little girl inside was very cute. Her parents hugged her together and smiled brightly. This used to be a happy family, but it's a pity that it's gone.     Lu Xi thought about the mission on the original owner's note, so she definitely couldn't leave with the heroine.     When everyone didn't notice her, she slipped away quietly...     This area is a new area with a small population and few zombies after the virus outbreak. Lu Xi found a bicycle in the space and rode for a while to make sure After Brother Zha and the others couldn't find themselves, they saw a store that was robbed in a mess, but the ice cream in the refrigerator was left untouched.     On such a day, ice cream could not be better. Lu Xi ate the ice cream happily, enjoying the cold.     "Little girl, why do you look so ugly when you eat like this?" The boyish voice of the idle boy said disgusting words.     Lu Xi was taken aback, her hands trembled and her face was covered with chocolate ice cream...     "Oh, you're still stupid"     you little brat! !

    The chocolate melted around her mouth as if she had eaten something, so Lu Xi quickly wiped her face with a paper.

    "How did you find me?" Lu Xi asked.

    "I've been following you, you're so stupid that you didn't notice me." Huangmao said in a light tone, "But you really opened my eyes, that bicycle..." The rest is not finished yet.

    Lu Xi's breathing is the same, has he



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