Chapter 78

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Chapter 78 Subduing Mutant Cats

    Someone was eavesdropping, Lu Xi winked at Zhao Xiuxiu.

    The two quickly separated and outflanked, and together they surrounded the man, and then dragged him out.

    "How could it be you!" Zhao Xiuxiu called out in surprise.

    The man was a young man who looked to be in his twenties, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, and looked very refined. Although his appearance was ordinary, his facial features Correct, Lu Xi has seen him, but by the side of the boss of the base.

    This person seems to be the secretary of the boss of the base. He often follows the boss of the base and is regarded as his core subordinate.

    The people who can follow the boss are either Li De's little friends in prison, or some particularly capable people.

    This person doesn't look like a vicious person, on the contrary, he is very gentle and looks like an intellectual.

    When the man was caught, instead of what Lu Xi thought, he broke free and fled, but he had some embarrassment on his face.

    Lu Xi narrowed his eyes, this person heard their conversation, will he tell the bosses.

    But I feel that what I think is all nonsense. This person is the secretary of the boss of the base, so he will definitely tell his boss.

    So what to do? Now that the plan has not been implemented, is it going to be aborted? If the boss of the base knows their weirdness, he will definitely monitor them more carefully. Moreover, this rooftop is usually only the boss and his few trustworthy people. Only subordinates can come in, and the layout of the entire base can be observed here.

    It is impossible for Lu Xi to kill him, he is not a zombie, and Lu Xi's mental capacity is not yet strong enough to kill a living person without blinking an eye, it seems that he can only be knocked out first, and this person can't get in the way their plans.

    Just when Lu Xi was about to start, the man spoke up.

    He didn't speak to Lu Xi, but to Zhao Xiuxiu, with an incomprehensible emotion in his eyes.

    'Xiuxiu, are you sure they are good people? ' After the man finished speaking, he glanced at Lucy.

    'Zhang Kai, don't worry about my affairs, and don't come to me again, okay? ’ Zhao Xiuxiu actually had some tears in her eyes, she lowered her head and said, ‘I will save my brother no matter what. Even if it is death, I am willing.

    Hearing Zhao Xiuxiu's words, the man loosened his frown that had been tightly furrowed, as if he had figured something out, and his eyes finally had a hint of relief .

    'Okay, Xiuxiu, I support your decision, don't worry, I will help you save your brother. '

    Then he said seriously to Lu Xi, 'Miss Zhou, my name is Zhang Kai, and I am a subordinate of the boss's side, and the boss used to be inmates, and I was sent to prison because of economic disputes because of money. Zhang

    Kai closed his eyes and took a deep breath and said slowly, "I know, I am heinous and have done a lot of bad things. I have been with the boss all the time. I know that they have done a lot of things that are inferior to animals, but I have no courage to stop them. I can't even protect the girl I love, and I watched her being tortured by others, but today I decided not to be cowardly anymore. If you have any orders, please just tell me, I, Zhang Kai, will definitely help you even if I die. After all, the rooftop is not a place for detailed conversations. The banquet is still being held there, and

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